Ethiopia has been and still is a major U.S. ally in terms of fighting terrorism and related illegal activities that are of mutual concern. In addition its soldiers serve in peacekeeping missions in South Sudan and Somalia. These alliances should be sustained in a more productive fashion that could let both to ensure a brighter future rather than the other side.
The U.S should acknowledge that the fate of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopians, and Ethiopia national territory remains united and should back Ethiopia in realizing it.
Let’s mention some cases. The 6th round national general election was one of the major issues to Ethiopia and the international communities and interested groups. At the time some tried all they could to frame an agenda in the pre-election, during and post-election time. But the outcome turned out to be positive in favor of Ethiopia.
For instance, The United States through its secretary of state, Anthony Blinken said it “strongly supports democratization in Ethiopia” as it nears a national election June 5, while noting a “free, fair, and credible election” can happen only with a conducive electoral environment.
Thanks to its citizens Ethiopia had conducted an election that many took as democratic and by far ensured high turnout compared with many elections conducted in the country in the past as well as other elections in other countries which they themselves dubbed “highly democratic.”
Head of the African Union’s election observer mission in Ethiopia, Olusegun Obasanjo, reports his team’s findings that Ethiopia’s legislative and regional elections were “conducted in an orderly, peaceful and credible manner.”
He further noted that “despite some operational, logistical, Covid-19, security, and political challenges – most of which we have mentioned – overall, the election and election day processes were conducted in an orderly, peaceful and credible manner.”
At this junction the Ethiopians had thought the world standing with humanity, unity and democratic practice despite the ill intentions of some internal and external power the whole election process made Ethiopia to win not any party.
When we come to the second point why the government launched the law enforcement and related matters we know the source of all evils of the case, TPLF. The TPLF group launched sudden, coordinated attacks on the northern command centers of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) in Tigray.
In response, the federal government immediately declared a national emergency and launched an extensive counteroffensive. With the joint actions of militia and police forces from the neighboring regions of Afar and Amhara, the ENDF swiftly pushed the TPLF forces back and gained control of Tigray and its capital city Mekelle in a matter of weeks.
If a nation’s National defense attacked, the response is clear, the attackers crossed the red line, and this is what happens to Ethiopia. Some old friends of TPLF ignore the crime of the Maikadra Massacre rather put the government on the same table.
The third point is the Dam, despite the hectic diplomatic hurdles Ethiopia had impounded the GERD as the principles of agreement signed in Khartoum. Ethiopia won the diplomatic hurdles at UNSC and finalized the filling.
In my view, the international communities know the horn of Africa in detail better than anyone rather consumed and deliberately kept on ignoring to benefit TPLF, for instance the group is sending child soldiers to war frontlines defying international law but no international or country boldly comes out to condemn it.
The party has now come up with inappropriate and silly reasons to realize its hidden agenda of disintegrating the nation through ethnic based federalism which it framed with the help international communities and countries. This is a shameful act of the TPLF from its inception. So some international communities should evaluate their relation with the callous party that ruled the nation for nearly 30 years is criminal, fraudulent and corrupt.
Finally, countries should be ready to revisit their stance against Ethiopia in connection with election, GERD and law enforcement.