Sudan’s mercenary move against Ethiopia’s national interest

It is almost ten months that the armed conflict broke out in the Northern part of Ethiopia. The heinous attack of the terrorist TPLF on the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) based... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF’s divisive strategy of conflicts is part of its quest for hegemony in Ethiopia

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The entire history of terrorist TPLF and the genesis of its manipulative political ideology is based on hatred and animosity on the peoples of Ethiopia. The first political manifesto... Read more »

TPLF “Hitman” Jeffrey Feltman slithering back to Ethiopia, again!

BY ALMARIAM PART TWO As Feltman slithers back to Ethiopia, he and his bosses should be aware of certain immutable truths. Ten TRUTHS Jeffrey Feltman must understand before he goes to Ethiopia!... Read more »

The Pro-TPLF White House

 BY SOLOMON WASSIHUN When the news sparks more questions than providing answers, when the turn of events are so dramatic and continually struck us by surprise, when disinformation runs high and throw... Read more »

TPLF “Hitman” Jeffrey Feltman slithering back to Ethiopia, again!

BY ALMARIAM PART ONE Why is Jeffrey Feltman going to Ethiopia at this “critical moment”? Feltman is going to Ethiopia to deliver an ultimatum according to a congressional source. Feltman will tell... Read more »

Use of Child Soldiers should be condemned; equals to modern slavery

Whether or not particular forms of “work” can be called “child labor” depends on the child’s age, the type and hours of work performed, the conditions under which it is performed and... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF’s strategy of starvation in Tigray is a gross violation of the Geneva Convention and war Crimes

Terrorist TPLF is contributing to the starvation of children at this season of food gap committing international crime. What are the legal implications of TPLF’s obstruction of food aid. Christa Rottensteine the... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF is conducting genocide in Ethiopia while the world is dead silent

BY SOLOMON DIBABA Article Two of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of genocide defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole... Read more »

Kazakhstan at 30: On the way to a landmark of Ethiopia-Kazakhstan bilateral cooperation

 BY TESSEMA HUNDUMA Kazakhstan is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its Independence this year. It is a landmark for the Ethiopian–Kazakhstan bilateral relations. In September 2021, it will be exactly 10 years... Read more »

Rape as weapon to undermine sovereign state

 BY MEKETE ABEGAZ Amnesty International as one of the Trojans of the 21st C Hypocrites, the WEST, it has come out with the report that accuses Ethiopia among other things on rape... Read more »