Terrorist TPLF and its myopic leaders

 BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME A conventional political party could develop a program that could improve the livelihood of communities and sells ideas for the communities to buy. If elected it will work to... Read more »

Full respect, appreciation for partners support at UNSC

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The UN Security Council yesterday conducted a closed session on the situation in Ethiopia for the 8th time in less than a year. Although the basic issue falls under... Read more »

America’s imperialism, colonial aspirations anew

BY ABEBE ABATE (Captain) America has a lot of war material in mothballs with a view to employing at a conflict somewhere in the world at times the arsenal is refurbished and... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF’s catalogue of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity

 BY SOLOMON DIBABA  Name any crime prohibited by normative international laws and conventions, terrorist TPLF has committed it. In its barbaric rampage of genocide, it has cold-bloodedly massacred more than 1500 innocent... Read more »

Enjoying 50 Years of Friendship between Iran and Ethiopia and Looking Forward

 Ancient Persia and Ethiopia were cradles of civilizations and these great Civilizations were in regular contacts and full of exchanges usually through trade and cultural mechanisms. They shared a number of norms,... Read more »

No attempt could whitewash terrorist TPLF’s war crimes

 BY ADDISALEM MULAT At the current juncture, apart from making every possible effort to tarnish the good image of the country by bringing into play some international media outlets of the world,... Read more »

Adverse effects of black market on economy unless controlled

 BY GETACHEW MINAS The black market, underground or shadow economy, is a clandestine business or a series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality. It is characterized by some form of... Read more »

Impacts of proxy and anarchic conflict

 BY GETACHEW MINAS  The advent of conflicts in Ethiopia has brought its economy to the brink of collapse, creating humanitarian casualties and concerns. Immediately after losing its power, the TPLF junta has... Read more »

The Stronger the State, the Greater its Legitimacy!

 BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA In a closer look of the theories about the origin and the function of a state, we can say that almost all have a shared common concept within them.... Read more »

Gauging ‘propaganda’ as a means of conflict

 BY FITSUM GETACHEW Studies show that propaganda is information that is relayed to an audience using the most effective manner of reaching it. It does not necessarily need to be true or... Read more »