Celebrating Africa’s influential and iconic women

Last week the Africa’s Women’s day was celebrated by remembering the most influential African black women. From them most influential African women Taytu Betul is among the one. The Battle of Adwa... Read more »

Using experiences from the Polio Programme in the response to COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia

Many frontline workers are putting their lives on-the-line in the response to COVID-19 pandemic. They put their lives at risk daily, tasked with the critical mission of controlling the spread and mitigating... Read more »

Food security and COVID-19

African countries are beginning to reopen borders, and this is finally enabling many citizens to resume their normal life. However, there is still an urgent need for African countries to prioritize, the... Read more »

COVID-19 induced domestic violence endangered women, girls’ rights

Recently the Embassy of Sweden has prepared webinar about the impact of COVID-19 on the rights of women and girls in Ethiopia. Ann Bernes, Swedish Ambassador to Ethiopia, shared the experience of... Read more »

COVID-19 cases have shown abrupt increase in Ethiopia

In late 2019, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan City, Hubei Province in China causing a disastrous disease that has now spread in at least 213 countries. On January 30, 2020,... Read more »

Dealing with COVID- 19 aftermath beyond the community health

The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world and in Ethiopia in particular, is causing harm in social, economic, and political arena in addition to health impacts. That is why recently the... Read more »

Government, community response to COVID-19 induced crises

No one doubts that COVID-19 is one of the direst threats the world has ever faced. But at the same time there are ever stronger signs of hope and solidarity, a sense... Read more »

Children of Nile should not suffer from boredom thirst

Mothers in Ethiopia have shown that they have great hope in the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD), a legend that continues to take place in the 21st century. They look forward it... Read more »

Wake up today, be informed to support the community

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) is working to fight the spread of Corona virus pandemic in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the US Embassy and other partner agencies.... Read more »

China’s decreases of the COVID-19 infections by 67 fold: Nature

If China did nothing to contain the novel coronavirus outbreak, there could have been more than seven million COVID-19 patients in the country by late February, according to a report published on... Read more »