Timket Ethiopia’s superb outdoor spiritual and cultural festival

BY STAFF REPORTER  Timket is one of the Ethiopian festivals inscribed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) the inscription of Timiket raised the number of Ethiopia’s world intangible... Read more »

Ethiopia’s most colorful holiday Timket is a week away

 COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER  Here are the reflections of visitor as well experiences she had in celebrating Timket, by Diane J. McDougall. She tried to share through using illustrative colorful words each... Read more »

Bu’na: The Soul of Coffee Ethiopian coffee culture arrives in Toronto by way of the Rift Valley

BY REBECCA FISSEHA What’s the sound of a fistful of zero-defect coffee beans dancing in a hot tin pan? It’s a crackle and a hiss as they brown and release their smoky... Read more »

Ethiopia birding tours Ornithology birding

 In Ethiopia a heaven for Ornithology are approximately 835 birds species of recognized to exist in Ethiopia, Twenty three are found specifically inside the boundaries of the country . The majority of... Read more »

Ethiopian history in brief

COMPILED BY LEULSEGED WORKU  The name “Ethiopia” derives from the Greek ethio , meaning “burned” and pia , meaning “face”: the land of burned-faced peoples. Aeschylus described Ethiopia as a “land far... Read more »

What makes Harari culture unique?

BY STAFF REPORTER The fortified historic town of Harar is located in the eastern part of Ethiopia, 525 km from the capital of Addis Ababa, on a plateau with deep gorges surrounded... Read more »

Some of Ethiopia’s historical places you should not miss

COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER Ethiopia’s historical tourist attractions are unique and traveler can do unusual things while they are on their Ethiopia tours in the different parts of the country. However, it... Read more »

Ashenda, Shadey – freedom of choice

 BY MESERET BEHAILU Article 25 of the Ethiopian constitution states all persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law. This statement... Read more »

Ethno-botanical beliefs, sacred forests- Songo in Gedio, Ethiopia

 BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU While the earth urges consumers to care for the producers, Gedio Ethiopia responds with the deep-seated tradition considering trees as sacred entities aiming to maintain healthy planet and enjoying... Read more »

Spectacular body, face paintings of the Kara people

BY STAFF REPORTER Ethiopia is a multilingual nation, with around 80 ethno-linguistic groups, in our “This is Ethiopia” edition we just want to introduce the Kara Tribe. The Kara people are Omotic... Read more »