Mistaking the antidote for a toxin

Recently, Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives approved a draft bill that allowed a green light for the establishment of identity and state boundaries studying commission with overall responsibility of issues. The commission... Read more »

OLF’s wing led by Galasa Dilbo returns home

ADDIS ABABA – OLF delegation team led by Galasa Dilbo has come back home. Upon arrival in Finfine (Addis Ababa) the chairman of the front Galasa Dilbo said that the political change... Read more »

A Front a far cry from democracy, people of Tigray

As the needle of Ethiopia’s political compass points in the direction of reform and change, comments and criticism on TPLF, which is one of the coalitions of EPRDF, is mounting. Arena Tigray... Read more »

Collaboration for fighting corruption

Though to varying degrees, corruption occurs in almost all countries of the world. One of the challenges facing countries in fighting corruption is the cross border capital flight and migration of fugitives.... Read more »

Ministry strives licensing teachers’ profession, achieving quality education

ADDIS ABABA – Licensing of teachers and school principals is underway in educational institutions across the country to attain notable achievement in quality education, the Ministry of Education said. Kasanesh Alemu, Director... Read more »

FDI has assisted technology transfer for Domestic Enterprise: AACCSA

ADDIS ABABA–Local enterprises have benefited from the technology transfer created by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the country, according to a study by Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (AACCSA).... Read more »

Change of mindset for tax collection

Ethiopian Ministry of Revenues  has recently announced that studies are being finalized to adopt a new technology to improve the existing revenue collection system. Even though updating the system with latest technologies... Read more »

Amending, proclamations vital in institutionalizing ongoing reform: HPR

ADDIS ABABA- Amendment of available proclamations and enacting new ones helps to institutionalize promised reforms, strengthening democratization process and to respond the public demand through clearly defined laws: House of Peoples Representatives... Read more »

Scaling up the fight against corruption

Report by Transparency International ranks Ethiopia 107th least corrupt nation out of 175 countries. But, if ordinary people fight back against corruption, they can make a real difference, it suggested. Scholars also... Read more »

All out support for the commission

Restoring lasting peace and stability atthis temporarily troubled times in this Horn of African country remains to behigh on the agenda of the government. Despite the skirmishes trivial and short – lived... Read more »