Daunting task of controlling money laundering

The incumbent’s efforts in countering money laundering, hampering black market spots and issuing directives as well assigning capable human capital to the leadership, has paved the way to minimizing the outflow of... Read more »

Ethiopia, Eritrea officially open Oumajir-Humera border

ADDIS ABABA- FDRE Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki have officially opened the road on the Oumajir-Humera border that connects the two countries on Monday January 7, 2019.... Read more »

Reformists’ bargaining power increasing

For sure, Ethiopia’s bargaining power is gathering momentum every time as the recent sweeping reforms have been implementing effectively. As history tell us, opposing western aggression and domination , Ethiopia used to... Read more »

Preparations underway to hold writers tour to Eritrea

ADDIS ABABA – Preparations to conduct a tour called ‘Voyage to Eritrea in searching of Fiyameta’ are in good progress, Ethiopian Writers Association announced. The tour that is going to be held... Read more »

EU says Ethiopia’s reform exemplary to East Africa

ADDIS ABABA – Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s nationwide and fundamental political and economic reforms would be exemplary to the East African region and beyond, European Union Ambassador to Ethiopia said. Speaking... Read more »

Ethiopia, Eritrea open door to mutual growth in the Horn: Prof. Asmerom Legesse

ADDIS ABABA— Ethiopia’s unconditional acceptance of EthioEritrea Border Commission (EEBC) rulings has opened the door to mutual growth and cooperation between the two sisterly countries neutralizing the pre-existing tension, said an Eritrean... Read more »

Ambassador lauds Ethiopia’s role in South Sudan peace

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia under the Premiership of Dr. Abiy Ahmed has played a major and positive role in bringing peace and stability in South Sudan through helping the warring factions resolve the... Read more »

Craving for citizen politics

Despite the deep rooted ethnic based establishment, various political parties are now craving for forming coalition in a bid to promote citizen politics and create competent party that would be elected for... Read more »

Recalcitrance dampens not reform embraced by majority

There is no gainsaying the presence of room for optimism nationwide, for the dawn of democracy has pierced through the foggy cloud of suppression that eclipsed the country’s vibe. That is why... Read more »

Harnessing digital technology to transform nation’s tourism industry: Scholars

Ethiopia is one of the few nations in the world that is bountifuly endowed with natural and man made tourist attractions. It is home to one of the ancient civilizations in the... Read more »