El- Sisi underlines need for creating more jobs for African youth

ADDIS ABABA- The incoming African Union (AU) Chairperson and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah elSisi underlined the need for creating more jobs for African youth, fostering regional economic integration, strengthening African Continental Free... Read more »

Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt set direction on GERD technical report

ADDIS ABABA – Leaders of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt reached consensus for the evaluation previous technical works on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) at ministerial level, foreign affairs ministers’ included, and... Read more »

Delegates say AU’s glorification of Emperor Haile Selassie I appreciable, inspirational

ADDIS ABABA- Having witnessed the unveiling of Emperor Haile Selassie I statue on the sidelines of the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of African Union, delegates said that the decision to... Read more »

PM Abiy Ahmed meets Sudanese, Djiboutian, Tunisia, Morocco counterparts

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met today Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, Djiboutian President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, Tunise President Beli Caid Essebsi and Morocco’s Prime Minister Saad Dine el Otmani sideline the ongoing... Read more »

African, UNs Leaders highlight three areas of partnerships

∙ AU Summit Opens ADDIS ABABA–The 32nd African Union Heads of State and Government’s summit of the year 2019 themed with; “The Year of Refugees, Returnees and IDPs: Towards Durable Solutions to... Read more »

A friend in need is a friend indeed

If truth is buried 100 meters deep, to the delight of many, it does not take it long to resurface when the right moment presents itself. When hatred clouds one’s biased mind,... Read more »

Ministry keen in policy revision, preparing road-map

ADDIS ABABA—Policy revision and roadmap, which could give direction and address challenges facing the mines sector for the coming, 25 years is being prepared by the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. Policy... Read more »

Addis deserves more greenery

ADDIS ABABA- Modernization is not a safe journey. It is always accompanied by its own adverse effects. This is particularly true in the face of environment related challenges. There were times when... Read more »

Win-Lose rule of game in media industry

As it is the age of information and high-tech intensive, traditional media outlets, like the print media, are encountering difficulties in handling cut-throat competitions with the broadcasting and online subscription media industries.... Read more »

TPLF experiencing fractures

Zadig Abraha, State Minster, coordinator of Democratization Center submitted his resignation of his own accord decrying the spoke the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) puts in the fast tracking wheel of reform... Read more »