Politics of Poverty

In the last two decades, significant progress has been made in investigating how politics and institutions influence poverty. Usually, studies of poverty ignored the role of institutions and politics. These studies mainly... Read more »

COVID-19: Addressing its impacts on infants, young children

Conventional wisdom is that the health of young children is not at great risk from COVID-19, but, in the Global South, the space constraints imposed on young children by the pandemic pose... Read more »

Press freedom vital in the fight against the pandemic

Access to accurate information is vitally important during the pandemic, so that people can understand how to protect themselves and their families, and to hold their governments to account for their response... Read more »

Why Egypt’s and Sudan’s “Fears” over GERD are exaggerated!

Ethiopia is working to correct a century of injustice in the Nile politics, which has overwhelmingly favored Egypt’s development over Ethiopia’s, by constructing Africa’s colossal dam since April 2011. Plans to fill... Read more »

This Week’s recap by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia

The spokesperson of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Dina Mufti, gave the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing today to the media. In his presentation, the Ambassador focused on political diplomacy,... Read more »

Ethiopia: Mai Kadra, Metekel and the mediashame that won’t be forgotten

 Part II  (Historian, Novelist, career surrealist) More than ever, Ethiopia doesn’t need human rights groups who do long-distance phone calls or interviews at refugee camps with unverified sources — it needs experienced... Read more »

Forgiveness to restore faith in humanity

I had the opportunity to read a short story article about how Madiba treated one that had treated him harshly while he was at the cell. The story goes like this, Nelson... Read more »

Egypt is the Icon of evil for Africans

BY GEZAHEGNE GEBREMESKEL Sudan and Egypt overtly and sometimes covertly through diplomatic maneuvers, lobbying, sometimes beating war drums, have been busy with an attempt to stifle Ethiopia’s monumental Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam... Read more »

Ensuring justice, peace should be given due attention

  BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME Ethiopia is a land of majestic history, colorful diversity and heroic people. It is a country that has hosted both Islam and Christianity since long before these religions were... Read more »

Who should be blamed for the deadlock of the latest GERD negotiation?

BY EYOB BELACHEW The latest round of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) talks wrapped up on the evening of 5 April after reaching another impasse. Egypt and Sudan are now jointly... Read more »