Operation ‘Back to Life’: How Israel is leading its Vaccination Campaign – Lessons and hope for Ethiopia

BY RAPHAEL MORAV, Ambassador of Israel Coronavirus knows no borders as it has become clear to all, and countries all over the world are facing the same challenges to public health and... Read more »

Whose gamble is Sudan playing?

BY KIRAM TADESSE It has become evident that the Sudanese armed forces have pushed deep into Ethiopia’s border while Ethiopia is busy stitching the wounds caused by its own internal affairs in... Read more »

Betting: Its socio-economic repercussions

BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA  In recent times our country and many other African countries have seen an increase in sports betting franchises. Many people aspire to win lots of money from these places,... Read more »

Leapfrogging from ensuring rule of law to rehabilitation and development

BY SOLOMON DIBABA  Ensuring the rule of law in Tigray region is indeed a complex process but I think the major part of unseating TPLF from its ivory tower is completed and... Read more »

The Sudanese enigma and its swinging political pendulum

 BY SOLOMON DIBABA  The historical relationship between Ethiopia and Sudan dates back to the 4th century A.D in which Axum and the Kingdom of Meroe were engaged in trade and other spheres... Read more »

Making life worth living!

BY TEKLEBIRHAN GEBREMICHAL General world history and specific empirical evidence show that relatively fast economic development is attained through the promotion of self–interest in the context of fair competition under a neutrally... Read more »

Harmony through the medium of Epiphany

 BY ADDISALEM MULAT It is no hyperbole to say Ethiopian Timket is one of the topmost merriments that the faithful of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church celebrates in every nook and cranny... Read more »

Discretion is the better part of valor

BY ADDISALEM MULAT Ethiopians have passed through many ups and downs for nearly three decades on the grounds of the evil acts of TPLF Junta officials who were persistently turning the lives... Read more »

Turmoil confounds Ethiopia’s experiment with ethnic federalism; it’s time to a new experiment

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS Studies indicate that about 40 percent of the world’s countries pursue and implement a federal form of government. They preferred to establish the system for two main purposes. One... Read more »

Capturing, destroying junta masterminds and underlings envisages new hope for Ethiopia

BY DIRRIBA TESHOME When the Ethiopian people and government launched a comprehensive package of political and economic reforms in 2018, they were driven by a commitment to realize the twin objectives of... Read more »