Exchange No fire but Notes

BY SAMUEL TEFERA Sudanese are marching into streets across the country protesting against the rise in the prices of fuel, bread and the brutal handling of citizens under police custody. A couple... Read more »

Individuals’ various points of view

BY JOSEPH SOBOKA Point of view has a broader meaning than what it appears. It is a person’s power of seeing or looking at something. The mental estimate of something is considered... Read more »

Ethiopia’s reasons to choose climate resilient green economy strategy

BY SOLOMON DIBABA Ethiopia’s economy is based on agriculture which is climate sensitive and is vulnerable to the slightest fluctuation of climatic conditions. It was therefore natural for Ethiopia to look for... Read more »

Sri Lanka: Celebrating 73 years of independence and strengthening ties with Ethiopia

BY SUGEESHWARA GUNARATNA (Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Ethiopia) Sri Lanka celebrates 73 years of independence from British rule on 04th February this year. The last 73 years of nation building, overcoming... Read more »

Placing emphasis on sustainable community-based tourism development

BY ADDISALEM MULAT It is an undeniable fact that Ethiopia is inundated with an enormous amount of flora and fauna, historical, cultural, religious, and archaeological attractions and things of that sort that... Read more »

Better care for our tangible historical and world cultural heritages

BY SOLOMON DIBABA On my recent trip to Sekota, I managed to make a stopover at Lalibela town which is a destination to one of UNESCO registered world heritages registered in 1978... Read more »

The multifaceted advantages of expanding domestic tourism in Ethiopia

BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA Every year on January 19 the Ethiopian streets are flooded with people wearing “netela”, a traditional semi-transparent cloth worn for holidays, in combination with traditional Ethiopian clothes. January 19... Read more »

The Economist’s unfounded claim

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The news that The Economist published on its magazine on the 23rd of January regarding Ethiopia’s intention to use hunger as a weapon is not only false but a... Read more »

Value invaluable values!

BY MENGESHA AMARE We, Ethiopians, are well known for our hospitality, fraternity and sympathetically treating one another and/or each other. However, these days, the values we have had for long and other... Read more »

No sterling economic leadership, no enduring economic transformation!

BY TEKLEBIRHAN GEBREMICHAEL A tale of two economic forecasts The Ethiopian government says the country’s GDP grew by between 6-7 percent in 2020 and the momentum will continue in 2021. The IMF... Read more »