‘The demon’ is in the detail  One of those moments one seeks the advice of a best friend. It happened several months back. The gentleman was having some marital problems; or so... Read more »

Of stomach cramps and chili-mix

You’re not feeling well. All the bacteria, germs and all those naughty, invisible creatures run riot practically hauling over your digestive system. Aha; Gastritis! That’s what it must be. Look, by some... Read more »

Driving us crazy!

I was sitting beside the driver of a minibus taxi. The middle-aged guy, who looked like anything but the legendarily creepy Addis cabbie, says. “Fasten your seatbelt.” Oh, I almost forgot. The... Read more »

Small talk

In ‘the good old days,’ small talk meant just that, small talk; the little and ‘harmless’ things in life that didn’t put you on either side of some fence. Sadly enough, things... Read more »

Wrong number

Your cellphone rings; you don’t know the number. “Hello!” “I want to speak to Almaz.” No greetings, not anything. It isn’t even a polite request. It sounds more like, “Hand the phone... Read more »

Oh, Humility, Where Art Thou!

I recently with a couple of guys sipping coffee for a price that used to get you a couple of double shots of whiskey! Hmmm. A guy they know ‘joins’ us. I’m... Read more »

Did you say cholesterol?

“Be sure not to eat too much meat.” “Why not? “Well, you know, you have to watch out this cholesterol thing…” “What! I’ve been waiting for months for a bite of some... Read more »

“Hello, Jason Bourne!”

 I did it again; I messed up a friendship. Having not seen this lady for about a decade running into her in a crowded Addis street was one of those “Aha!” “Oho!”... Read more »

Of Santa, and the Doro Wot

Another holiday approaching and time for the first shots of household skirmishes; “I need one thousand Birr.” “What do you need one thousand Birr for?” “For chicken, butter, onions…” “Wait, wait! You... Read more »

Everyone ‘out to get’ everyone else

Sad and confused; poor guy! It is written all over his face “Life wasn’t supposed to be like this! In the old days, anyone wearing that kind of face had probably ingested... Read more »