Looking up the painting above from a distance, I saw many roads that branch out into different directions. So, I thought it is a portrayal of life as roads symbolized the real... Read more »

 In the Land of Diversity: The Legacy of Islamic Art and Architecture

 Part I As we recently observed one of the most important holidays in the Islamic calendar, i.e. it would be relevant to revisit the history and role Islam played in the making... Read more »

 A good story that can unite people!

It is true Ethiopia is a very diversified nation in terms of language, religion, ethnicity, you name it. Those diversities as they are can be taken as a blessing because they characterizes... Read more »

 Purchased by Love

I will dress you in gold, he says to me. The eyes that have yet to see.. Crafted jewels by crafty tools. The senses that have yet to smell The aroma of... Read more »


Each word is as wide as the land, And that word is your magic wand, It can make you strong and healthy, Yes, you’ll become wise and wealthy. Or it can shake... Read more »

 End of a Journey

We remember , For ever and ever. When we flew together To the same nest, Like two birds, For a good night’s rest, Now in silence We sat together With open hearts... Read more »

 Ethiopian Traditional Art of Crucifixion

We are just going through one of the most sacred if not the most important holiday on the calendar of the Ethiopian Orthodox church, namely Fassika or the end of the holy... Read more »

 Shame On Us It Dupes Us Twice

 (Short Story) Sitting inside a wide stone hut the one-eyed Hagos and Moges with a broken leg,both on the wrong side of fifty, were tuning to the DemetseWeyane channel. The old Philips... Read more »

 The Gatekeepers verses the Trendsetters (A Short Story)

Three decades back “You know Albert Einstein is like Paulo Rosie,” said a veteran lecturer delivering a course on modern physics at Arat Kilo campus’ stadium-like lecture room packed by physics and... Read more »

 Easter’s Vibe

Easter is a widely celebrated holyday in Ethiopia. It comes with the sentiment of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Christians celebrate this holyday colorfully each year. Jesus Christ came... Read more »