Ethiopia’s Coffee: A viable economic driver

Ethiopia’s coffee is steeped in history, tracing back to centuries of the famous tale of Kaldi, the goat herder who discovered the energizing properties of coffee. Since then, coffee cultivation has become... Read more »

A glimpse of Ethiopian economic growth

Highlighting the federal government performance report of the 2016 E.C fiscal year at the 36th regular session of the House of People’s Representatives, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) made a remark and... Read more »

Ethiopia aiming to become the premier FDI destination in East Africa

Ethiopia has set its sights on becoming the top Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) destination in the East Africa region. The government has implemented a range of policies and initiatives in recent years... Read more »

Gearing up manufacturing industry for economic growth

It is undeniable that manufacturing is the creation of finished goods through the use of tools, human labor, machinery, and chemical processing. It allows businesses to sell finished products at a higher... Read more »

 Ethiopia’s Chemical Industry: Leveraging diverse ecosystems for sustainable growth

Ethiopia, a land of contrasts and wonders, is poised to unlock the immense potential of its chemical industry by harnessing the richness of its varied climatic zones and biodiversity. As a country... Read more »

Marching for sustainable economic progress

Ethiopia is one of the most agrarian economies in the world where 85 percent of the population derives its living on subsistence farming practice. The sector utilizes less agricultural input which in... Read more »

Promoting climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia

Agriculture is the key sector in Ethiopia due to its wide socio-economic features and being the cardinal driver of many sectors. Hence, promoting this sector would help the nation attain the long-term... Read more »

Due attention to the East African remarkable crop: Enset

Agriculture is not just a means of producing food; it is also an art form. When dedicated farmers tend to their farms, the resulting produce is just as beautiful as a decorated... Read more »

Boosting state of dairy production in Ethiopia

It is well recognized that livestock is an integral part of agriculture contributing to the household livelihood and economies of developing countries like ours. Livestock production and marketing of its products are... Read more »

 Foreign insurances are as significant as banks

Since the recently introduced regulation by the Council of Ministers to allow foreign banks to locally operate did not comprise foreign insurance companies, the situation created some sort of confusion on insurance... Read more »