Grand Corruption in the Docks

The good news is that the public prosecutor’s office or the Attorney General are busy with the arduous task of tracing the whereabouts of the hundreds of millions if not billions of... Read more »

The vicious circle of GERD talks and the light at the end of the tunnel

In less than a month since the US government took the initiative to revamp the tripartite talks on GERD and the Washington meeting called to this end, diplomacy is veering in three... Read more »

Sidama statehood Lessons from a referendum that went rather well

The successfully completion of the referendum on Sidama statehood last week has taught many positive lessons to the political actors who are now leading the ongoing political transition. The National Electoral Board... Read more »

The ongoing debate-Economic crisis or a macro-economic imbalance?

There is presently a debate going on not in academic circles but among individual economists as to the serious problems the Ethiopian economy is facing. Economic issues are often pushed to the... Read more »

The First Tripartite Discussion and What May Lie Ahead

The US last week hosted the tripartite meeting on the GERD between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan in the hope that the three would come to the discussion table and start what may... Read more »

Construction without eviction Addis Ababa plans to build new housing units

The Addis Ababa administration is apparently learning a couple of lessons from the political turmoil of the last three or four years as it is adopting a new direction or a new... Read more »

In Depth Analysis The Russia-African Forum and Implications for Ethiopia

Sochi is a Russian seaside resort town famous for organizing many international conferences and sports events. It is also a pleasant venue for major international conferences where tourist attractions draw thousands of... Read more »

Privatization plan comes into effect

Last week, sources indicated that the state-owned Ethio-Telecom has 44 million subscribers. Ethio-telecom has registered a record profit of more than one billion birr. It has introduced new technology in data and... Read more »

Nobel Peace Prize A big inspiration and a boost to Ethiopia’s regional leadership

Back in 1991, soon after the rebel forces in Eritrea and Ethiopia took power in Asmara and Addis Ababa respectively, there was widespread speculation as to whetherthe two respective leaders of the... Read more »

Resuming the Negotiations No need for Egypt to take GERD dispute to international arbiration

In an essay entitled, “Bridging the Gap in Nile Waters Disputes” published by the International Crisis Group we read that, “For Egyptian authorities, the first-order priority is to shield the country from... Read more »