Incessant initiatives in developing AI technology in Ethiopia

The developing world remained behind during the first, second and third technological revolutions. As a result, countries of the developing world remain poor and dependent on the technology of developed countries. As the world has observed, technology has become the backbone of economic development. It also accelerates the prosperity of countries. Hence, investing in technology is not an option for third-world countries, but a key priority.

The world is entering into the fourth technological revolution, thanks to the scientists in the sector. The expansion of the internet and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the technology industry. Hence, despite the developing countries remaining behind during the first three technological revolutions, using their latecomer advantage, it is critically high time for the developing countries to become part of the fourth technological revolution. Investing in technology to become part of the revolution and to exploit the gains of the industry is a timely action for developing countries, especially for African countries.

In this regard, Ethiopia during the past five years has had a special focus on the development of the technology sector, including the emerging technologies. The government’s attention to the sector improves infrastructural investments, creating institutions and reforming policies and strategies that accelerate the development of technology.

Understanding the role and development of AI technology early, Ethiopia has given special attention to AI technology during the past five years. It has established a national AI institute, AI center and a month ago, Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers adopted the National Artificial Intelligence Policy (AI Policy), for the first time. The adoption of the AI Policy by the council of ministers is a new chapter for the development of AI technology in Ethiopia, Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute (EAII) Director General, Worku Gachena (PhD) told The Ethiopian Herald last week. The Ethiopian Herald approached Worku while he commenced the third batch AI Summer Camp at the Science Museum, here in the capital.

Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute (EAII), a young institution itself started AI Summer Camp to cultivate talented youths in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and launched it three years ago. As part of its strategy to develop AI technology in Ethiopia, the institute in addition to investing in infrastructure and policy and reforms, gives due attention to human resource development in the sector. With this initiative, EAII started the first AI Summer Camp in 2022 by accepting 13 talented youths. It increased its capacity to 30 youths during the second batch AI Summer Camp in 2023. And, this year, EAII announced on Saturday that it is ready to accept 200 youths during this year’s AI Summer Camp training.

Yoseph Leulseged was among the first batch of youths who joined the AI Summer Camp in 2022. After he applied online and took an entrance exam, he joined the camp and took the training for more than two months. Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Yoseph stated he had the passion to know about AI before he joined the AI Summer Camp. Later, after he got the chance for the training, he developed his knowledge and skills in AI technology and its functions. “The Summer Camp training helped me to translate my passion into practical knowledge and skills,” Yeseph said adding that he continues developing his skills in AI technology.

As to him, the training focuses on business plan, coding, IOT, machine learning, python programming, and robotics and he said that he specialized in IOT. While graduating from the AI Summer Camp, with other three trainees, he conducted an IOT-based project, where they currently are working to change the project into a product working with a private institution. “Our IOT project was Smart Blind Stick which focuses on producing smart stick that supports blind people,” Yoseph said adding the project was a group project, where a group of four trainees jointly created it.

Currently, they are working with Addis Tech Company, a private company, to change their project into a product. As to him, they already signed the agreement to produce the product and the process of producing the product is on its way. In addition to the Smart Blind Stick project, Yoseph is working with Addis Tech to produce another IOT project of his own, Addis Nano, an IOT product that is the first of its type for Ethiopia. The Addis Nano product, according to him, will be joining the market within two months and he is also working with Addis Tech Company to realize Addis Nano.

For the future, Yoseph’s dream is to specialize in AI technology. He is a grade 12 complete youth and takes his grade 12 national exam. He is dreaming of joining Software Engineering in his higher education institution to develop his knowledge of AI technology.

Yididya Tadele for her part joined the second batch AI Summer Camp in 2023. She stated that the training equipped her with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills concerning AI technology. She learnt about the features and functions of AI during her stay in the camp. “We have learned about IOT, machine learning, machine learning, robotics and other related topics,” Yididya told The Ethiopian Herald. As to her, in addition to developing her knowledge and skills on AI technology and its roles, the training helped her to develop other skills and also helped her in her regular class.

Yidida said that the training helped her to diversify and develop her knowledge and skills in the technology sector. After graduating from the camp, she continues developing her skills in AI as the training opens a new door for her. She is following online courses and skills development courses after the training. She said that “it gives me a new insight towards science and technology.” Yididya has continued working on her AI projects that she started during the summer camp training and continues contacting EAII experts to discuss the progress of her projects and to seek support. Yoseph and Yididya call on the youth generation to give due focus to science and technology to cultivate and develop their talents. As to them, the youth generation should exploit the existing opportunities like the AI Summer Camp and related opportunities to develop their science and technology knowledge.

Continuing its efforts of cultivating the talents of the youth generation, EAII commenced the third round AI Summer Camp 2024 training last week by accepting 200 youths and developed its accepting capacity from 30 last year to 200 this year. EAII Director General, Worku Gachena during the commencement ceremony stated that AI technology and its role are developing surprisingly. Hence, as to him, countries must be part of this development adding Ethiopia is continued investing in developing AI technology and to exploit its potential benefits.

Worku noted that the Ethiopian government is undertaking a continuous series of initiatives to implement and endorse technology for socio-economic development. In this regard, building a competitive domestic AI industry prioritizing national security is among the key initiatives in the technology sector and EAII is undertaking various measures to realize the national vision.

As part of the national effort to adopt AI technology, the institute gives due attention to in investing the youth generation to sensitize concerned bodies about AI to develop skilled human resources. This year, the institute accepted 200 youths to train them on various topics of AI for over two months, the Director General said adding that Python processing, IOT, machine learning, robotics, and other courses will be given to the trainees by more than 40 technology professionals from Ethiopia and from abroad.



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