Gov’t paying heed to develop SMEs : MoLS

ADDIS ABABA –The government pays emphasis to create enabled environment for the development of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Ministry of Labor and Skills (MoLS) disclosed.

The above statement was made yesterday by MoLS State Minister Solomon Soka when his institute organized a two day discussion program under the theme: “Livelihoods Improvement for Women and Youth (LIWAY.)”

In his opening remark, Solomon said that the main aims of the discussion is improving the SMEs creating enabled environment to them. It is the way to address women and youth various constraints in terms of SMEs.

As to Solomon, the aforementioned enterprises have a numbers of challenges. Due to this reason, the small and medium enterprises development policy was recently ratified by the Council of the Minister which able to encourage consolidated effort in SMEs field. Skills development, jobs, and creates scientific industry linkage approach with the job seekers and entrepreneurs are also the focused areas of the policy.

“MoLS is working hard in collaborate with stakeholders to encourage entrepreneurs across the country. For instance, over 3.7 million domestic jobs and 345,000 plus overseas jobs were created during the just ended fiscal budget year,” he noted.

Representing from SNV, Netherlands Development Organization, Alemtsehay Ejegu on her part said that various activities have been carrying out in collaborating with the MoLS since 2017.

She added that the new ratified policy would expect to create jobs for over 250,000. Among others increasing the numerical advantages of the SMEs, developing large and medium enterprise, and improving labor skills are the other crucial points of SNV working in close with MoLS.

Furthermore, the policy and strategy requires due to existence of poverty, unfairness, and lack of adequate jobs in SMEs.

Similarly, improving finance accessibility, technology advancement and creativity, ensuring trade development, and reducing shades problem are other parts of the ratified policy that was discussed.

Participants from various states of the country including the finance institutions are in attendant and discussed the policy in the way to showcase practically.



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