University supporting agroforestry expansion to boost productivity


WOLKITIE–Conforming to the Green Legacy Initiative, Wolkitie University unveiled efforts exerted to support agroforestry to enable the country do well out of region’s agricultural potentials.

Approached by the Ethiopian Press Agency, University’s President Faris Delil (PhD) said that the university operates four nursery centers that produce seedlings to support local farmers in expanding agroforestry activities.

In line with Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative that was launched in 2019 by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD), which aims to plant billions of seedlings annually, the university is contributing its share through providing scientific methods.

This initiative is driving the region into a green revolution, thereby working to instill this movement as a societal value. For instance, Enemorin Meger Woreda is preparing to plant over 600,000 seedlings this rainy season.

Coffee saplings are among the most demanded by local farmers in the area for economic significances, Faris said, adding the university has nurtured nearly 44,000 coffee seedlings in its nursery centers, which are now being distributed.

In collaboration with local agricultural experts, the university is educating farmers on proper seedling care. Additionally, it is distributing indigenous plant species to reforest degraded lands, he stated.

“As an academic institution with social responsibilities, the university is engaged in projects addressing health and economic issues. Given the area’s rich agricultural production, we prioritize agricultural research to improve productivity. Moreover, the Guragie community’s esteemed economic culture, particularly in trade, is being integrated into our business and economics curriculum as valuable indigenous knowledge,” he noted.



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