Keep seeing the bigger picture

Last Monday, July 22, 2024, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) held a discussion with representatives of various political parties on core national agendas and common political interests, to build consensus and work together for the common good of all.

In fact, unlike the preceding systems, since the reform years, holding constructive discussions with contending political parties has become a new trend in the Ethiopian political order.

The government has been making every effort to work in concert with representatives of various competing political parties and individuals; and inviting them to hold peaceful dialogue aiming to establish a culture of a modern political and democratic system, create a level playing field so that to enhance parties’ participation in the country’s overall activity.

Aside from this, during the reform years, exiled members of contending political parties were invited to come back to their homeland and struggle peacefully to contribute their share for their homeland.

At discussion forums held in various times and different situations among the ruling and contending parties, it was possible to gather important feedback, collect concerns, as well as devise a mechanism on how to work in collaboration. As the continuation of the discussion held in April this year on national issues, last Monday, the Premier met again with representatives of various political parties and discussed national issues. This was truly one of the achievements that the reform program has brought about to the country.

It is an open secret that before the reform years, there was mistrust among the government and competing political parties. Even, they were seeing each other as enemies. Due to this, opposing parties always preferred guns to resolve disagreements over peaceful talks. This unfortunate practice cost the country dearly and cast a cloud over its energy to ensure sustainable economic growth. As far as it can be seen, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable phenomena.

However, opposing every single effort and promoting destructive views would not benefit any party and get no one anywhere other than inciting conflicts and pushing the country to the brink of a precarious state. Understandably, in the real world, no political system is perfect. Even the most economically advanced and politically mature countries are also facing numerous challenges for the reason that there is no perfect political system in the actual sense.

In essence of this, reaching an agreement on common grounds and working in partnership for the interests of the general public as a whole is fundamental to creating a better life and a more just society over time. In black and white, getting together around the peace table, struggling peacefully, working on differences, and creating a common understanding is the only viable path for transition to peace, stability, and prosperity. The more the engagement of the contending political parties in common national matters enhances, the more confronts and grievances will lessen as holding constructive discussions allows entertaining and addressing different perspectives and creating understanding.

This, in turn, will circumvent the tendency to see each other as enemies, curb the trend of using guns as tools to solve differences or problems; and initiate all to work for the good of the general public. In this regard, the political culture that was created over the reform years in Ethiopia’s political landscape, which engaged contending political parties to discuss on issues of common interest and reach consensus should be further strengthened and sustained at all levels for long-term stability and prosperity.


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