Revamping efforts of food sovereignty to shun dependency

One and a half years have passed since the launch of the “Yelimat Tirufat” development campaign, which focuses on nutritional abundance. The traditional food container, Limat, serves as a connection between farmers, pastoralists, and consumers, aiming to provide adequate nutritional food, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D) tweeted in November 2022 as he launched the initiative.

Food self-sufficiency is crucial for national sovereignty and dignity, and the Yelimat Tirufat campaign is accelerating efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency at both the family and national levels.

The “Yelimat Tirufat” program aims to replicate the success of the country’s pantry in livestock, poultry, honey products, the Green Legacy initiative, wheat, vegetables, and fruits. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the “Yelimat Tirufat” program in Arba Minch city, emphasizing food sovereignty and dignity.

The program enables Ethiopia to ensure food security, particularly with meat, eggs, honey, and milk, as essential, surplus products. By focusing on animal products like milk, honey, meat, and eggs, the program aims to shift the perception of these items from luxury foods to everyday ingredients.

By diversifying alternative food resources through coordinated sector management supported by technology, the program aims to increase production and eliminate production bottlenecks. Ethiopia has the potential for significant animal product output, but there is still progress to be made in harnessing this potential.

According to Ministry of Agriculture data, Ethiopia’s annual milk production is 7.1 billion liters, with per capita consumption at only 66 liters, far below the recommended 200 liters per year for a healthy individual. Ethiopia spends over 25.5 million dollars annually on processed milk imports due to this shortfall.

The program’s goals for the upcoming years include increasing annual milk production to 11.7 billion liters, chicken meat production to 240 thousand tons, and honey production to 296 thousand tons. These efforts not only aim to feed families but also to build a food-independent country.

The “Yelimat Tirufat” program is a comprehensive initiative with four main objectives, including enhancing food security, increasing animal production, improving productivity, and creating employment opportunities through product and market linkages. The program is being implemented at the national level and officially promoted by various states based on their specific needs.

The program is part of a generational legacy, aiming to utilize natural resources effectively and promote livestock and horticulture potential. Involving farmers and pastoralists in the production of milk, meat, chicken, and eggs, the program lays the foundation for Ethiopia’s journey towards prosperity.

Research institutions, like the Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, play a crucial role in making improved chicken and animal breeds accessible to farmers and pastoralists. The program is working to distribute improved chicken breeds that can significantly increase egg production, benefiting farmers and the economy.

Now, the program has been implemented at the grassroots level and the people at large have accepted it. Apart from creating jobs for many unemployed citizens, the program has regulated the market by producing excess milk, eggs, and other vegetables.

On the other hand, the program will help to improve the nutrition and food system. Malnutrition is a problem that we have not yet overcome. However, this problem has its own influence on the future social well-being of the people. Thus, this program has multifaceted benefits.

As mentioned earlier, the Yelimat Tirufat and other related programs will enhance social participation in development programs. Without a doubt, the program will ensure food self-sufficiency through excess agricultural products. When there are excess products, we need to prepare ourselves to export our products to international markets.

In the near future, Ethiopia will be the breadbasket of East Africa. Currently, Ethiopia has been producing a huge amount of wheat, rice, and other crops with the vision of ensuring food self-sufficiency. The government understands the possibility of ensuring food self-sufficiency and even being able to cover emergency food supplies from food banks.

Overall, the success of the “Yelimat Tirufat” program depends on cooperation and coordination among all stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, and government authorities. By working together, Ethiopia can achieve its goals of food security, economic sovereignty, and prosperity.

The program is another segment of the effort to ensure food self-sufficiency by engaging the public at large. In order to achieve the set target, development partners working in the area should provide every- assistance for Ethiopia to realize its dream within a very short time.



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