Charting out a better future through national consensus

It takes national salvage for a nation’s wound to heal. And, it is through National Dialogue that past agonies and future calamities are redressed. Different nations at different times have resolved bones of contentions through National Dialogue and found their path towards sustainable peace stability and socioeconomic growth. And Ethiopia has embarked on the toll order in an attempt to tackle years of disputed matters and polarized views.

For many, holding a National Dialogue is not an end by itself, the issue of transparency and accountability is of much importance. With these elements fulfilled, National Dialogue is the right prescription to create a national consensus.

There were times when the country tried to resolve divisive issues, but the efforts failed due to many reasons. Disputed and polarized political views on major national issues continue to source of conflicts and instability.

In what could be said a promising move the country has begun to stage a National Dialogue with the process entering a critical stage.

In a country where most disturbing issues are caused by political stands and false narratives, such a stride to let people talk on the points that used to be neglected is important. The Dialogue is expected to chart the future of the country in its journey to national consensus. It is expected to lay a solid foundation for the nation’s future endeavours so that people will be able to live their peaceful lives.

To realize the National Dialogue, the incumbent has been taking various steps, from its inception to the current steps. The National Dialogue Commission has also been working on taking its responsibilities to the finishing line. The commission has started its journey by opening itself to the whole community so that everyone will be able to take part and present its idea in the process.

In a very recent scenario, the commission has held its first idea-gathering event here at Adwa Victory Memorial Hall in Addis Ababa. It was the first of its kind that Ethiopia has waited for so long. The commission has also incorporated all the parts of the society so that the country will resolve its deep-rooted problems once and for all. Besides, the commission has called even the armed groups, who took up their gun and struggle, to the discussion table and let them say their point.

All-inclusive participation is key to better outcomes. The commission has been functioning to ensure the participation of women, youth, and all responsible stakeholders in the process.

In the current climate, the commission has been finalizing its preparation for holding its upcoming rounds of the idea gathering events in all regional states including Dire Dawa. It is reported by Mulugeta Ago, National Dialogue Commission Commissioner, that the participants on the agenda selection forwarded their views and issues for discussion in a free, participatory, transparent and inclusive manner.

The Commissioner added that the agenda selection process was a learning forum in which inputs were forwarded from the participants in a participatory, free, inclusive and democratic discussion.

Accordingly, the agenda selection process will soon proceed in Dire Dawa and other regional states except for Amhara and Tigray, he said.

According to Mulugeta as of next week, preparations will be made by coordinators, responsible officials and other professionals to facilitate the upcoming agenda selection processes in the areas mentioned above.

The Commissioner called upon all citizens to contribute their part to the success of the agenda selection process which is a major step in conducting a national dialogue across the country and use this opportunity to build a democratic national state.

He thanked all those involved in the startup process and advised the public to effectively realize the advantages of conducting a national dialogue in Ethiopia.

By the same token, speaking of inclusiveness and participation, the commission ensures the adequate representation of youth and the younger generation in the process. It has opened the doors for the young part of society to put its mark in the dialogue. Taking steps, the commission has lately had a productive meeting with representatives from different higher education institutions to actively participate in the succession of the national dialogue.

Zeyohanes Tobiyaw Adamu, Debre Markos University Student’s Council Representative, noted that the National Dialogue could be instrumental in resolving the existing instability in various parts of the nation. Through effective implementation, he added that it would play a major role in resolving differences thereby transferring a better country for the future generation.

The youth constitutes a large portion of the total population and is equipped with many skills, as a result, they can use various technologies and the social media platform for essential purposes. They have to filter the information gathered on social media platforms and use it in a reasonable way as a means to sensitize society, he stressed.

The youth is also expected to play a major role in using the platform for valuable discussions as well as take part in the National Dialogue. They should be conscious of the false information that circulates on different social media platforms; hence, youth should use it with responsibility, him.

In addition, admiring the efforts that ENDC put towards making the National Dialogue a success, Addis Ababa University Student’s Council Representative, Yishak Tesfaye, mentioned that youth need to play a lion’s share in the dialogue. “It knocks the door of each individual; we all are responsible to play a role.”

It is those who have been in hardship during wars that value peace the most, he said, adding that the dialogue would be more valuable to such areas. Nonetheless, the commission is expected to bring about perceptual change in the society.

For Gambella University Student’s Council President, Parelek Chock, no good would come out of conflicts, thus youth are expected to play their role to ensure peace in the country. Since the nation is focusing on addressing issues and healing historical traumas to move forward, the youth needs to contribute its role in every possible way.

Again, Semera University Student’s Council President, Abudi Mohammed Haji, on his part said engaging the youth in National Dialogue would allow for addressing longstanding challenges and reaching to consensus which is critical for the nation. The National Dialogue could enable the youth who are very energetic and skilled to get to know each other and exchange their inner thoughts, as to him.

Moreover, they are expected to sensitize society to clear the blurred perception towards some of the issues that are constraining the people to reach an agreement. The National Dialogue Commission should also organize various discussion forums on conflict-ridden areas.



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