Swimming with the tide

Rolling out meticulously chalked-out national goals and throwing one’s full weight behind their attainment warrant foolproof of a rosy future down the road. All the more so, if the set objectives align with continental and global thrusts for the better. Swimming with the tide helps a nation gain enthusiasm and garner support.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) entails 17 agendas the UN put to see to the furtherance of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) within the timeframe up to 2030. No poverty, zero hunger, good health & well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water &sanitation, affordable clean energy, decent work, economic growth, industry, innovations, and infrastructure are but to mention a few.

It is to be recalled that in 2015 before the ball of SDG got rolling, the global community and the UN had opted to emulate and scale up Ethiopia’s best experiences as well as registered achievements in the health sector.

The entailments of SDG mentioned above, in one way or another, are streamlined with Ethiopia’s development plans and economic reforms. Activities to the required effect have been underway.

Towards poverty reduction, palpable works are undertaken by the incumbent. Ethiopia has turned a sought-after investment and tourist destination. Tapping inventors on the back and promoting startups are made a point.

When it comes to creating job opportunities, ways are facilitated to work here and abroad provided their safety and security are ensured. Agreements are inked with various countries. To slash the level of poverty, putting in place a program entitled Yelemat Turufat citizens are made to produce nutritious foods optimizing things in the constraint of space. Currently, citizens are benefiting themselves by engaging in poultry and gardening. Currently what has become a concern is surplus yields but not a dearth of harvest.

In its multifaceted program of buttressing product and productivity Ethiopia has become successful. As such it has managed to unchain itself from poverty syndrome and ensure self-sufficiency in food. Coming up with bumper harvest in wheat and rice, among others, it has become successful. If in case of shortage surfaces, it has a salted-away products for ready use to parry disastrous that beg for emergency actions.

About rendering a quality education key to underpinning product and productivity the country is striving to improve teachers’ efficiency at every echelon, facilitating benefits to teachers, enabling research activities, and barring doors on cheating. Facts on the ground show things are promising.

Regarding ensuring gender equality and promoting women’s empowerment from the onset of the reform various policy amendments were made. Conspicuous steps are taken to ensure the 50:50 proportions starting from the PM cabinet. Accordingly, women in the country are displaying their caliber as their male counterparts if not better.

Concerning the supply of potable water and sanitation, outlaying a huge budget, the government is striving to reach every corner of the country with the supply of clean water and to build a large number of latrines where shortages are sensed.

In its green development initiative, Ethiopia is displaying a commendable feat by exhibiting a renewable electric source whose boons go beyond its perimeter. Here it suffices to mention the Grand Renaissance Dam and Koisha hydropower dams. Given these facts, it is not hard to surmise that apart from being an ardent proponent of environment protection, it is also working as an ally in catering to the demands of other countries for renewable energy.

The enumeration above is but to afford a chink to Ethiopia’s push to the required effect. Otherwise, it is active in all of the 17 branches.

The cumulative effect no doubt will make the country a looked-forward country in Africa for habitation. Here, it is worth recalling Addis’ Corridor Development Project.

There is no gainsaying that Ethiopia needs all due support from stakeholders for the far-reaching and multifaceted development activities it is undertaking.

It is against the aforementioned backdrop Addis Ababa is selected to Host the Preparatory Conference for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development from July 22–26, 2024. The Fourth International Conference that will be held in Spain in 2025 will feed on the abovementioned one. It is to be recalled that Ethiopia hosted the 3rd FFD in 2015, and the Conference endorsed the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) as the most ambitious global financial framework to mobilize resources for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and means for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


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