Thriving diplomatic triumph

Ethiopia’s diplomatic undertakings have gathered new momentum over the last months of the Ethiopian year in effect, 2016. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted some of the diplomatic feats of the year at a biweekly press conference held on Thursday.

“All the way from cultivating good neighborliness towards shared interests to enhancing participation in multilateral fora such as the African Union and UN Economic Commission for Africa, Ethiopia has registered significant strides,” MoFA Spokesperson Nebiyu Tedla said.

Ethiopia has thrown its full weight behind the righteous cause of maintaining regional, continental, and international peace and security as well as achieving perennial prosperity.

Each and every grand domestic economic, social and political activity of the country has deliberately been entwined with global, continental and regional endeavors.

From ensuring normalcy at home through the proper implementation of the Pretoria peace accord inked back in 2022, clean energy development, and Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) to infrastructural projects, a great deal of emphasis has been attached with promoting a shared prosperity. A case in point in this regard can be the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland whose impact goes even beyond the region. As the saying goes: “a rising tide lifts all boats,” the would-be Ethiopia’s coastal presence fosters regional integration among the Horn countries, and the economic dividend goes to all. The scheme indisputably boosts maritime security.

As a host to the AU headquarters, Addis Ababa successfully received African heads of state and government as well as the delegations that they led at the 37th AU Summit in February—a summit that zoomed in on: “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality and Relevant Learning in Africa.” Also, at the UN, Ethiopia has been fulfilling its due commitments. Ethiopia participated in UNGA, UN Committee meetings, UN Human Rights Commission’s meetings, WHO conference and many other sessions of global significance.

Ethiopia’s foreign policy is anchored on improving the livelihood of its millions of citizens. The country firmly believes that sound domestic policies that are formulated to bring all-round prosperity at home are the bases of prudent diplomatic engagements. Today, Ethiopia is working diligently in all respects to deal with challenges that it has encountered along many fronts. The home-grown economic reform agenda that has entered its second phase is bringing about macro-economic stability, boosting the private sector’s role in economic undertakings and unlocking the country’s full growth potential. The priority sectors, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, ICT and digital economy are creating jobs for millions of people in the country in addition to improving nutrition and lessening foreign dependency.

The feats in various areas enhance Ethiopia’s ties with its neighbors and beyond. Ethiopia’s clean energy production primarily meets the country’s demands. Then, it lights up homes in the neighboring countries. Its agricultural produce as well feeds millions of mouths at the domestic level and the surplus goes where there is demand. Ethiopia that is in peace with at itself promotes peace with its neighbors, and the ripple effect is so large.

The next Ethiopian year, 2017, surely deepens Ethiopia’s ties with its neighbors, the continent and the world. The country’s diplomatic activities will be improved both in depth and scope. Ethiopia’s diplomacy, which is pursued both by seasoned and young diplomats, and complemented with state-of-the-art technology, would further thrive and benefit both the country and wider international community in the year ahead.


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