Gorgora Eco Resort: Additional destination that spices Ethiopia’s tourism industry up

Ethiopia has been working to diversify its economy in accordance with its potential and advance its economy. Shifting away from a single income source that is agriculture toward diversified sources, such as manufacturing, construction and tourism sectors, it has been striving to establish more resilient and dynamic economies capable of fostering sustainable growth, creating jobs for citizens, stimulating its economy and ensuring sustainable economic growth.

As a result, since recent times, the country has made remarkable progress in diversifying its economy and tourism is one of the sectors that the government eyes to generate foreign currency and contribute considerably to the country’s economy, in this regard. As a result, a number of renovation and construction activities are ongoing across the country.

Particularly through the Dine for Sheger, Dine for Nation and Dine for Generation initiatives launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to develop the existing and new tourist destinations throughout the country and promote tourism, remarkable achievements are seen.

Recently, the Gorgora Eco Resort, located in Gondar, Amhara State on the shores of Lake Tana; and developed under the “Dine for Nation” was inaugurated in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The first phase of the project was launched by the Premier in March 2021.

When PM Abiy Ahmed first launched the plan to reconstruct Gorgora Resort, the renowned

When Prime Minister Abiy first launched the ‘Dine for the Nation’ project to refurbish and construct Gorgora, Wenchi and Koysha tourist sites, Prof. AlemayehuGebremariam (Al Mariam), had written about the breathtaking and magnificent panorama of Gorgora Resort, saying: “there is no place in Africa that represents the ultimate expression of ecotourism like Gorgora Resort,

Prof. Al said: “I have visited Gorgora and Gorgora Resort many times and followed the resort’s construction from the very beginning. Gorgora is a small village/town set on a peninsula (a piece of land projecting into a body of water) on the north shore of Lake Tana, Mother of Abai (a/k/a Nile) River in the Amhara State of Ethiopia. It is barely an hour’s drive south from the historic city of Gondar and a pleasant boat trip on Lake Tana from the port of Bahir Dar.”

Gorgora preceded the founding of Gondar and was one of Ethiopia’s earliest capitals during the reigns of Emperor Susenyos I and his son Fasilides, the founder of Gondar, in the 17th century. “During one of my visits, I was told Gorgora was named in honor of Gregory the illuminator, founder and first official head of the Armenian Apostolic Church.”

As to him, Gorgora is the ideal ecotourism destination. Old-style tourism is about going to a destination, having fun and going back home. Ecotourism is about visiting natural areas to interact and learn about the culture and traditions of local people and communities, enjoying the natural flora and fauna of the area, helping conserve the environment and empowering and improving the lives of the local people. Gorgora Resort sits on an elevated rocky promontory (cliff-type) with a breathtaking and spectacular view of Lake Tana and several inhabited islands. It is a resort ready to provide visitors amenities and personal services available at any world-class 5-Star hotel.

However, Gorgora, to him, is more than a luxurious vacation spot. It is a place of special spiritual experience. Watching the sunrise over Lake Tana from Gorgora hill is an uplifting experience. Tana changes its color from copper tan to blue to green and everything in between depending on the season and position of the sun. There are unique species of fauna and flora to behold. It is a haven for birdwatching and fishing. And the weather, ahh! It is perfect (for me): Averaging around 74F (23C) daytime.

Visiting the magnificent ancient monasteries and churches in the vicinity of Gorgora and being blessed by the monks and priests has been my most memorable experience. By watching and interacting with those monks, I have learned unforgettable lessons in humility. So much can be learned from those who have totally and completely committed their lives to the service of the Creator.

And the GorgoraEko Resort that Prof. Alemayehu called it “The Great Star in the Ethiopian crown jewels of ecotourism destinations:, and compelled him to put pen to paper and share his unforgettable experience about the site was inaugurated last week.

Speaking in relation to the inauguration of the Resort, Foreign Affairs Minister, TayeAtske Selassie for his part described the Gorgora Eco Resort as a wonderful work of harmony between history, nature and human wisdom commending the idea inceptors and those who made it possible.

Deputy Prime Minister TemesgenTiruneh also said that the Gorgora Eco Resort, built in Amhara State is a timeless national treasure with great potential for the tourism sector.

Ethiopia has unique tourism attractions that have never been adequately exploited due to lack of infrastructure. However, the ongoing extensive efforts to address the limitations and foster the development of the sector will have tremendous benefits for the surrounding community and the country at large.

As to him, the ongoing endeavors made to advance the tourism sector and the achievements gained so far through the mobilization of the public portray the government’s commitment to develop tourism destinations, make it more attractive convenient for both local and foreign tourists; and by doing so gain better from the sector.

Several tourism projects have now been under completion, the Deputy Prime Minister said, citing the newly inaugurated Gorgora Eco Resort which had been isolated for centuries from development.

Tourism Minister Amb. NasiseChali on her part said that tourism development projects being implemented across the country have been able to showcase the country’s hidden attractions

As to the Minister, the ongoing tourism development initiatives including the Gorgora Eco Resort are instrumental to advance the tourism sector and elevate the country’s competitiveness in the industry.

Amb.Nasise invited tourists both from abroad and within Ethiopia to visit this mesmerizing natural beauty.

The Gorgora Project includes luxury resorts, recreational centers, and eco-friendly accommodations designed to appeal to both local and international tourists.



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