The tenacity of Ethiopian media to shield national interest

In a world where everything is dynamic and hard to predict what will happen next, people get their valuable information from their trusted media houses. People’s perspectives and their desire to identify the truth are mainly trusted on the information that is fed by different media outlets.

From all perspectives, the role of media houses in a given country is vital to the overall activities of the society.

Documents show that the media is responsible for informing and teaching, telling the truth, being a voice for the voiceless, representing the community, and mainly being a watchdog of society. Besides, media also have the soft sides of delivering entertainment and sport. All the above-mentioned reports have their own objectives and target audiences.

On top of that, the media plays an important role in standing by the truth, defending national interest, and supporting and reporting major national activities no matter the cost will be. In fact, seeking and standing by the truth needs courage and a strong will to report what exists on the ground.

Even, the media is the one that is accountable for criticizing and praising the government when it does good or evil. Such actions are taken for the well-being of the whole society as the media is always working for society and providing the necessary information society needs. The media houses may have multiple editorial policies that they focus on achieving; however, many of the houses stand in unity when it comes to defending the nation and its interests.

In the Ethiopian context, for except a few, media houses, both public and private media houses, have been working to meet their editorial policies and not passing the line when it comes to the national interest. The houses showed their strong passion and unwavering stance in defending the nation’s interests. In good truth, mediation is also one of the main channels to disclose the national interests and priorities of a nation.

There have been some major governmental measures and projects in which the media houses show their firm stand. Giving tangible examples that media houses, especially the mainstream media, reported every scene in the times of the war in the Northern part of the country.

During the war, multiple actors were actively working to achieve their goals, making the conflict their shield. Again, some international media houses were also spreading false information, leading the international community to be misinformed and disinformed. Coming across the counterfeit information, many Ethiopian media had worked day and night to stand by the people and the government of Ethiopia to defend the national interest and advocate the truth.

When Ethiopia decided to use its natural resources like the Abbay River, lower riparian countries were discontent and even some entities and historical enemies of Ethiopia have left no stone unturned to stop Ethiopia from building its dam on the river. During such times, Ethiopian media outlets stood in unison to advocate the real intention of the government. When the dust settles, the international community understands the true intentions of Ethiopia in terms of utilizing its natural resources. Here, the role of the media was outstanding.

Even recently, when the Ethiopian government showed its strong desire to discuss any deal that awards the government genuine access to the sea, the media were there to report the truth and the desire of the incumbent. There were also some false narratives with a skewed intention that was designed to halt the Ethiopian opportunity to access the sea. To this point, the media houses were there to prove that those reports from the other side were wrong and express the real purpose of the Ethiopian government. Such bold moves from the government need acceptance of the people, and to do so, the media houses are responsible for reporting and showing the right way.

Similarly, it is the media that also carries the queries of the people to the accountable government offices so that the people can get the right services. Any misdeeds could also be reported and broadcast. Such an act of standing by the interest of the people is a very crucial obligation of media houses.

Such achievements and hard work in defending national interests from the media are recognized by the government. Recently, the government has acknowledged and given awards to some media houses, especially ministry media houses. In the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D.), some eleven media houses took their awards from the hands of the premier. The recognition event was all about appreciating the noble contributions of the media houses in upholding Ethiopia’s national interests.

During the media recognition program held at the Adwa Museum, 11 media institutions, including the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Oromia Broadcasting Corporation, and Amhara Media Network, received recognition awards.

Delivering a speech, Premier Abiy highlighted the role of mass media in protecting Ethiopia’s national interest. Although not all deserving entities were included in the awards, he thanked Ustaz Jamal Beshir, owner of “King of Abay Media” and advocate for the Abbay Dam.

He also indicated the initiation of the media recognition program in Ethiopia marks a significant step forward. “If you feel you were not included in the award, Ethiopia will compensate for your efforts today and tomorrow.”

Abiy urged the media to reveal the truth about Ethiopia’s national interests and showcase the country’s values, opportunities, and interests in their work. He remarked, “There is no big media in a small country; when we build a big country, significant media like those in India and China will emerge. Great media and journalistic identity are born from the development of nations, and I trust we will work together for our country’s affairs.”

The PM stressed the importance of focusing on national agendas and interests rather than being influenced by external narratives. He criticized media outlets that oppose Ethiopia’s national interest, especially regarding the port issue, either knowingly or out of misunderstanding.

According to him, the Ethiopian port issue has been a 100% successful agenda, with many countries recognizing that a nation as large as Ethiopia requires a port. “We stated that, Ethiopia should have access to the sea in accordance with market law and justice, and this agenda is progressing effectively.”

“All media opposing Ethiopia’s national interest should correct their stance as the port issue will succeed soon. No one can hinder Ethiopia’s prosperity, so it is crucial to produce media content that respects national interests.”

Additionally, a special award was given to the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), TIKVAH Ethiopia and Dire Tube will be recognized in another forum, as disclosed by Government Communication Service Minister Legesse Tulu (Ph.D.).



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