Ethiopia’s amicability to neighbours never diminishes

Since assuming power, the incumbent has been taking bold steps to ensure peace and stability in the taken bold steps to ensure peace and stability in the war-torn Horn African region. From extending the olive branch to Eritrea to mediating warring parties in South Sudan now in Sudan, the Ethiopian government has been leading by example for regional causes.

The nation is still rallying other nations to foster regional integration and peace restoration efforts. Ethiopia has played a pivotal role in maintaining stability and security in the unstable region, whether it is through mediation or peacekeeping missions.

Amidst old and new emerging threats, Ethiopia even at a time of internal mayhem has been a reliable partner to its neighbours through the thin and thick. Under any regime and any circumstances, Ethiopia has been a credible and loyal comrade in need. From sending troops to brokering peace deals between warring parties, Ethiopia has been a guardian of regional peace and a great stabilizer.

Ethiopia’s commitment to regional peace is also driven by practical instances. This week, the country began border demarcation with South Sudan and Premier Abiy traveled to Sudan as per of helping resolve Sudan’s crisis.

In his last address to lawmakers, Abiy accentuated his commitment to the peaceful settlement of conflicts while indicating it is doing its level best to sustain the implementation of the Pretoria peace deal.

“Our diplomacy is based on mutual growth and cooperation. We never exploited Sudan’s situation to our advantage. Sudan has been in turmoil and the government has been unable to pay the bills for Ethiopia’s power supply. We have never cut the electricity supply since we believe in the brotherhood. We just cannot abandon our brothers during this difficult time. We could have taken back the land invaded by Sudan had we wanted to take the situation in Sudan,” Abiy added.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Abiy arrived in Port Sudan as per of his country’s commitment to finding sustainable solutions for Sudan’s stability. The premier held a fruitful discussion with the Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

Ethiopia and Sudan share 744 kilometers of common border, Legesse highlighted the long-standing relations between the two nations in terms of people-to-people, cultural and economic ties.

The Minister also highlighted the various efforts being carried out by Ethiopia to encourage the Sudanese forces to resolve their differences peacefully and work in collaboration to bring peace to their country. He expressed Ethiopia’s continued commitment to bring peace to Sudan, according to local media.

In addition to its efforts to help stabilize Sudan, Ethiopia has also been supplying electricity to the region and is aggressively engaged in joint development projects with other neighboring countries. Moreover, it also deployed peacekeeping forces in other nations to help resolve conflicts and restore peace.

The nation will remain a major powerhouse due to its enormous landmass and expanding population. Additionally, to fulfill its national goals and promote economic progress, it requires internal harmony. Furthermore, the country is still committed to strengthening its diplomatic ties and promoting goodwill with both nearby and distant countries.

Even when it was aggressed, the government exercised restraint to resolve issues with other states peacefully and cool-headedly, the country also came up with a project that had a far-reaching impact on the region. With the support of its relationships with neighboring countries and abroad, peaceful co-existence and amicability also continue to be at the helm of the country’s foreign policy. The country has played a critical role in maintaining international peace and will continue to be the leading stabilizer of the Horn African region.


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