Commending media for greater future role

Yesterday, the EPRDF’s Communication Service hosted a program titled “Media for Nation Building,” during which it acknowledged the media’s efforts over the past two years in promoting national development. Prime Minister Abiy (PhD) was in attendance and commended the media for their dedication and hard work. In his address, he underscored the pivotal role the media has played in driving national growth and fostering unity. The Prime Minister stressed the need for media outlets to prioritize the national interest in their reporting and activities. He urged media professionals to uphold integrity and responsibility in their work. Additionally, he called upon them to support Ethiopia’s journey towards prosperity. The event highlighted the government’s commitment to partnering with the media for the nation’s progress.

Indeed, the media is determinant in putting in peace a successful democratic system in a country. It also plays big role in fostering its economic development. It also brings people a country and even the whole world together. It is also the source of our entertainment and knowledge too.

The endeavor the government made to motivate the media is a noble and wise decision. The government continues to encourage media efforts in driving national development. And media organizations must stay updated with the latest technological advancements and practices to remain relevant and effective. It is imperative for them to prioritize national interests and contribute to the country’s growth and stability. By doing so, the media can play a pivotal role in informing the public and fostering a well-informed society. Ultimately, the alignment of media objectives with national development goals will help build a stronger and more prosperous nation.

The media in the past couple of years has been active participant in the nationwide efforts of law enforcement, election, national dialogue, promotion of national greenery campaign called Green Legacy Initiative and the like.

A country like Ethiopia still needs to build strong media as it faces a lot of political and economic challenges from inside and outside. Almost all of these challenges take place not on the ground but through the media. The worst of all these battles is the challenges that come in the form of fake news, misinformation and disinformation campaigns, among others. As witnessed in various places across the world such destructive media products have a power to spread faster and put more influence on their subjects than the genuine ones.

While all other legal and technical counter attacks go on against these adversaries, the other favorable measure that a government and the responsible media can do is to empower the audience and readers as well informed ones that can tell genuine information from fake ones. The genuine and responsible media should overpower the makers of fake news and disinformation through providing timely and reliable information.

In summary, a strong, capable, and responsible media is essential for a country’s peace, development, and prosperity. The government plays a crucial role in building and overseeing such media by allocating resources, enacting enabling laws, and recognizing the media’s contributions while addressing any potential issues. The government’s efforts to establish relevant regulations and formally acknowledge the media’s contributions reflect its commitment to fostering reliable and influential media. Media organizations must continue to enhance their positive impact and prepare for future challenges.


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