Ethiopian in enhancing connectivity; promoting integration

The official diplomatic relations between Poland and Ethiopia were established on July 14th, 1945. Since that time, the bilateral discussions and high-level government visits between the two sisterly countries have been strengthened.

In 1961, the governments of the two countries raised their diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa and Moscow to the rank of embassies.

However, the level of bilateral trade and investment between Ethiopia and Poland was not at the desired level; rather it was far below the potential.

Opportunely, the recent announcement of the Ethiopian Airlines to commence flight to Warsaw, the capital city of Polish, would mark a significant milestone and open a new chapter in elevating relations and cooperation between the two nations in various areas.

It would promote trade and investment; reinforce partnership and cooperation on diverse areas such as education and health, science and technology transfer as well as strengthening tourism and people- to- people ties which in turn contribute to Ethiopia’s growth and at the same time benefiting Poland.

Following the commencement of Ethiopian flight to Poland, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Amb. Misganu Arega stated the key role that the commencement of the flight to Warsaw play to Ethiopia and Poland in terms of increasing trade and investment by enhancing connections.

Amb. Misganu also highlighted numerous opportunities for collaboration between Poland and Ethiopia in technology, science, culture and arts, infrastructure, and other sectors.

Polish Amb. to Ethiopia, Przemysław Bobak also said that the beginning of the flight will strengthen economic integrations and political relations between the two countries and enable them to work on security issues.

Mentioning the numerous opportunities available for collaboration between the two parties including in technology, science, culture and arts, infrastructure, and other sectors, Ambassador Przemysław remarked that efforts are underway to further reinforce the long-standing partnership across various areas of cooperation.

In fact, the flag carrier Ethiopian has been playing an incalculable role not only in transporting passengers but also connecting countries of the world and strengthening social and economic integrations between and among nations across the globe.

In its 78 years of journey in the aviation industry, the flag carrier, which is also a source of national pride for Ethiopia and Africa, has been serving as a bridge in connecting the African continent with the wider world, being the most trusted and preferred airlines.

For strings of years, Ethiopian Airlines has been selected as the best airliner in Africa. With its growing connectivity, the flag bearer has also been a diplomat in action helping the country’s diplomatic missions. The airline has been promoting Ethiopia’s diplomatic objectives in terms of service provision and strengthening people-to-people partnerships.

Carrying the tri-colored Ethiopian flag, Ethiopian has been flying to all corners of the globe connecting not only Ethiopia but Africa with the rest of the world.

Currently, by growing rapidly and expanding its destinations, as of June 2023, the carrier served 133 international, 22 domestic passenger destinations, and 68 cargo destinations with daily and multiple flights. More than any other airline, Ethiopian serves 63 destinations in Africa.

It is clear that more flights mean more connectivity and enhanced cultural, economic and political exchanges between countries. From the host of the United Nations to the seat of the European Union, Ethiopia is flying to countries around the close range to the far lungs of the world. With Warsaw, the seat of NATO being its latest destination in direct flights, the airlines have linked Ethiopia to strategic places.



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