Entry of foreign banks in Ethiopia: Asset or liability ?

(Part II)

One of the primary benefits of allowing foreign banks into a country’s market is the enhancement of competition. Foreign banks often bring advanced technologies, innovative financial products, and efficient banking practices that can lead to a more competitive and dynamic banking environment. For example, the entry of foreign banks in India has been associated with the modernization of the banking sector and improved customer services due to competitive pressures.

For instance, the liberalization measures taken on India’s banking sector liberalization in the 1990s is a notable example of the benefits of allowing foreign banks to operate. The entry of foreign banks such as HSBC and Citibank led to enhanced service quality and the introduction of new financial products, which benefited consumers and businesses alike.

Foreign banks can facilitate access to international capital, which is particularly beneficial for developing economies. These banks often have extensive international networks, enabling them to provide substantial financing for large projects and contribute to economic growth. In Nigeria, the presence of foreign banks has been linked to increased capital inflows and enhanced financial stability.

The presence of foreign banks in Nigeria has helped stabilize the financial system by bringing in international capital and enhancing banking practices. This has contributed to the overall growth and resilience of the Nigerian banking sector.

Today 14 foreign banks are operating in Kenya, In Uganda; the banking sector is dominated by three foreign banks: the South African majority-owned Stanbic and the two British multinational banks, Standard Chartered and Barclays. Ghana hosts 16 foreign banks, South Africa 12, Nigeria 5. The only bank that used to operate in Ethiopia was Banco de Roma during the imperial regime.

Foreign banks can serve as conduits for the transfer of banking technology and expertise. This transfer can lead to the development of more sophisticated banking products and services in the host country. For instance, the technological advancements introduced by foreign banks in China have contributed to the modernization of the local banking sector and the development of online banking services.

The entry of foreign banks in China has been instrumental in introducing modern banking technologies and practices. Banks like Standard Chartered and HSBC have played a crucial role in developing China’s online and mobile banking infrastructure.

The entry of foreign banks poses significant regulatory and supervisory challenges. Host countries need to ensure that foreign banks comply with local regulations while maintaining international standards. This dual compliance can be complex and resource-intensive. The case of the Asian financial crisis highlights how regulatory gaps and inadequate supervision of foreign banks can contribute to financial instability.

Banks from foreign countries on the other hand can act as channels for the transmission of financial crises from one country to another. During the 2008 global financial crisis, many countries with a high presence of foreign banks experienced severe economic downturns due to the interconnectedness of their banking systems with those in crisis-hit countries.

The competitive pressure from foreign banks can sometimes negatively impact local banks, particularly smaller institutions that may struggle to compete with the larger, more resourceful foreign entities. In Mexico, the entry of foreign banks led to significant market share losses for local banks, affecting their profitability and sustainability.

The entry of foreign banks into a domestic banking market presents both significant opportunities and substantial challenges. While foreign banks can enhance competition, provide access to international capital, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology, they also pose regulatory challenges, risks of financial contagion, and potential negative impacts on local banks. Policymakers must carefully weigh these factors and implement robust regulatory frameworks to maximize the benefits while mitigating the risks associated with foreign bank operations.

What advantages can Ethiopia get by allowing foreign banks to operate in the country?

Foreign banks can introduce innovative banking services such as digital and mobile banking, which can reach remote and underserved areas, thus enhancing financial inclusion. They bring a wide range of financial products, including savings accounts, loans, and insurance, which cater to different customer needs.

The entry of foreign banks can lead to increased competition, prompting local banks to improve their service quality and customer satisfaction.

Such competition can result in reduced banking fees and better interest rates for customers .Moreover, foreign banks can facilitate access to international capital markets, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Ethiopia .This could result in greater capital availability can support large-scale infrastructure projects and business expansions, driving economic growth. Foreign banks can introduce international best practices and advanced banking technologies, fostering skill development among local banking professionals They often invest in training programs for their employees, enhancing the overall expertise in the financial sector.

The presence of foreign banks can diversify the banking sector, reducing systemic risks and enhancing financial stability. These banks typically adhere to high international regulatory standards, which can improve the overall regulatory environment.

In addition, they can provide trade finance services that support Ethiopian exporters and importers, facilitating international trade. Their extensive international networks can help Ethiopian businesses access global markets more efficiently .The entry of foreign banks can promote economic integration with neighboring countries and the global economy. Strong financial ties with other countries can lead to broader economic collaborations and partnerships.

Foreign banks can introduce advanced banking technologies such as online banking, block chain, and AI-driven financial services. These technologies can increase operational efficiency and customer convenience. Foreign banks often offer personalized banking services tailored to different customer segments. With more branches and ATMs, foreign banks can enhance the accessibility of banking services.

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald



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