Roboticist discusses AI’s pros, cons

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia needs to raise awareness about Artificial Intelligence (AI) to harness its productive potential and mitigate its drawbacks, a robot creator emphasized.

Tomas Workneh, an ICT student at Misrak Poly Technique College, showcased an AI robot named Lucy at the 14th City-wide Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Week. The robot, which took Tomas a year to build, can verbally communicate in Amharic and English, respond to questions, alert in case of accidents, and detect heritage sites and individuals. Additionally, Lucy monitors household appliances, provides weather updates, and can stop a car if the driver falls asleep.

Tomas was motivated to create the robot to position Ethiopia among the early adopters of the AI revolution. He stressed the importance of promoting innovation to allow the country to benefit from technology. “Exploring AI’s advantages in agriculture, health, education, and governance can significantly boost productivity,” he added.

AI devices enable farmers to perform tasks like sowing and mowing based on real-time information about soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions. Tomas believes that many youths with technological know-how are not translating their knowledge into tangible results. He urged young people to practice their skills using opportunities provided by TVET institutions, aspiring to become role models for future generations and help Ethiopia benefit from technology.

AI supports countries in enhancing productivity by undertaking challenging and hazardous tasks with robots. The technology improves public security by facilitating living environments in cities, residential areas, and smoothing traffic flows. AI is also crucial for providing efficient public services, such as improved public transport and reduced travel times.

Despite concerns about AI’s negative impacts on employment and privacy, Tomas emphasized the technology’s significant benefits in improving people’s lives. AI has been playing an increasingly crucial role in recent years, enabling computers and machines to perform tasks similar to or even better than humans through machine learning and deep learning.

In conclusion, Tomas highlighted the need for Ethiopia to focus on raising awareness and promoting the advantages of AI to achieve productive outcomes and minimize its potential drawbacks.



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