A harbinger of China’s swift ascension in the superpower’s hierarchy

For a long time, the larger segment of the gigantic media houses of the conceptual western block has been offering us a distorting political prism via which we diminishingly perceive the one on the other end of the scale as well as Africa as uncivilized and undemocratic.

For want of other alternatives, we have but to consume all without separating the seed from the chaff. Tacitly, the former were magnifying self-image and underplaying the latter. Via image-tainting tasks, the Western block was persistently sidelining such objects of media ridicule from global partnerships seen as unbefitting for forging chemistry.

Like a blow by a double-edged sword, it was not only the image-tarnishing tendency carried out covertly and overtly affecting the victims of mudslinging but also the victims’ inaction in selling themselves and portraying their true picture. The shortfall related to the inaction was also making them a soft target for those who wanted to fish in troubled water. To add an insult to injury, victims had to fight with one hand tied behind their back in the red-hot global competition characterized by a lopsided clicking landscape.

For want of monitoring and appropriate explanatory response-giving print media, if not counter-offensive-dealing ones in the medium of international language, countries in the short-end of the information stick were languishing under defamation. Parrying the belittling arrow targeting them on one hand, they had to project their true image on the other. A microscope that magnifies their genuine self and a soft power-utilization bent that assists sell themselves to the rest of the world were lacking.

It was against this backdrop that the topical China Daily popped up on the media landscape to neutralize defamation and amplify virtues like cooperation, partnership, and common growth that China wholeheartedly espouses.

Though to naysayers a bitter pill to swallow, the paper is serving as a window into fascinating China. Nothing short of the international standard, creating a bridge to the rest of the world, China Daily brings this great country and continent to the doorsteps of almost all countries dotting the global map. To the delight of readers, making a plunge they by themselves could decode the mystery of China that was shrouded in clouds of misinformation and disinformation for long.

The eye-catching broadsheet paper exhibits paper, photo, page layout, and design quality as well as the economy of space putting esthetics atop the list. Above all the broad spectrum of skillfully and knowledgably penned issues in different genres—hard news, news features, news analysis, and articles— are palatable. There is a saying “Not the gift but the way it is presented matters most.” The mesmeric designs of the paper every time lure those who picked it to get glued to it and keep on leafing through it and probing into the content crafted to synchronize with each eye candy piece.

Ideas are well developed with interviews with pertinent gurus or professors and the like. Quenching readers’ information thirst, the paper does not pick an issue that it does not finish. The country profiles that often garnish the paper render China Daily a looked-forward piece. Business, economy, political economy, geopolitics, technology, and artificial intelligence are the salient topics one comes across while sifting through the paper. The business and economy columns are sure to touch on global inflation and investment. For instance, how China’s Foreign Direct Investment acting in synchronicity with the domestic ones is beefing up China’s muscles on all fronts including knowledge sharing, creativity, and innovations. As the paper kept its tempo, it persisted as a dynamic one as it started. Filling the big information chasm about China, this communication channel is bridging the continent to the rest of the world.

It accords due focus to illumining diplomacy and bilateral relationships taking all the necessary care not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. The paper bears three editorials that unerringly hit the intended objectives enabling it to touch salient economic and diplomatic issues among others. Knowledgeable and sophisticated readers scouting for uptakes will not be discontented, for they will get something enlightening and informing.

In giving responses to wrong-headed and politically charged media comments, especially from doomsayers the editorials are apt and swift. Dilating on issues of international concern like health and environment is on their radar.

China Daily is also a sought-after one for it espouses a participatory approach. It brings together issues and people across the globe. In so doing, it creates a sense of belongingness. Besides, it demonstrates the adage that “variety is a spice of life. Hence, it is a hub for the global community and a marketplace for ideas. It makes voracious readers addicted to the paper. At this juncture, it is important to note that such a thing creates a seedbed for people-to-people communication and cultural diplomacy.

Perusing the paper, people of the world understand the commonalities they share with China and the peculiarities that characterize them. What better understanding could one ask for? The paper streamlines the global outlook to create a confluence of the common good in a win-win approach, for it does not entertain a hidden motive like most media outlets on the other end of the scale.

True to modern writing simplicity is among the overarching qualities that make China Daily stand out from the crowd. This shows how much time and energy the content and language editors inject into the paper devotedly. It tilts towards features news and stories adding spices that whet the audience’s appetite.

Aside from throwing light on China’s ascension in the superpower’s hierarchy, it also addresses well China’s multifaceted development-related engagements across countries like Ethiopia which is getting off the ground and struggling to catch up with affluent nations by harnessing bountiful resources at hand.

Through China Daily, China’s soft power, China is elbowing its way into the hearts of the global community—Africa, Asia, Europe, and slowly but surely America. It has a version in Arabic that is centered in Cairo. How else could have we known about China and its development partnership? It is via the paper that takes readers aboard to crisscross the global sky with a bird’s eye view without leaving the safety of our seats we have come to realize China’s thrust towards a cooperation that aims at kissing poverty goodbye via a turnaround in joint progress through hard work, commitment and honesty.

Economic affluence obtained properly tapping into one’s population wealth surely percolates down to all striking out possible room for grievances thereby ushering in the oxygen of democracy. What a democracy not tailored by others in an unbefitting way! Addressing demands priority-based is what is recommended by Development Economics. Food sufficiency, housing, access to clean water, and infrastructure are properly addressed in today’s China sprinting in the global racing economy lane, the paper vividly shows us.

Democratization to pseudo-democracy is what the paper is belaboring on. That is what one gets from poring over the paper that bears three editorials that unerringly hit the intended objectives enabling it to touch salient economic and diplomatic issues among others. Knowledgeable and sophisticated readers scouting for uptakes will not be disappointed, for they will get something enlightening and informing from China Daily that embraced developmental journalism. Here we can cite an instance of the benevolence of the government in deciding zero tolerance to COVID-19 out of consideration for its people and the determination of contented citizens towards the execution of the nation’s safety and development objectives.

Global competitiveness—says in vehicles, mobiles, 5G and space exploration— is among the issues it raises.

Regarding necessity-born innovations based on domestic and international experiences pushes are underway. The moves are frequently spotlighted in China Daily in attention galvanizing manner.

Reminiscent of ancient China’s silk and road trade routes, the Belt and Road initiative, is a showcase of global partnership and assistance through the western block, in a futile bid, paints it as a communist propaganda machine.

Facts on the ground suggest China’s development and knowledge experience are often depicted as best for African development.

The big measure China took to root out corruption putting in place capital punishment exemplifies the consummate success that awaits an impulsion for socioeconomic and political turnaround if the rent-seeking mindset ceases to be a logjam. China has also computerized land administration according to transparency and accountability. China’s model acid tested and proved correct is recommendable to corruption-assailed Africa. Sharing development experience and knowledge China Daily indicates Africa must follow suit.

The ironwork discipline that characterizes citizens is among China’s salient virtues that contributed to its swift progress.

Let us wind up seeing points raised by interviewees and contributors on burning issues.

Unlike the conceptual West, China doesn’t attach a political string to aid and loans and takes back such money in the form of exorbitant salaries to highly paid experts from the donor country, says a voice from Africa.

As Karl Marx put it capitalism at its last stage turns into communism. Following the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is sure to be attended by a high turnover of employees or the replacement of human labor by AI, people will get a salary for free, as put it Elon Musk.

China’s development experience and wealth of knowledge set a standard for the wise to follow. Surely, Africa must go for it. It is ironic that China Daily is aggressively reaching a multitude of readers while many well-established papers are shying away.

Anyone interested in international affairs and issues related to the probing paper will find it handy. Especially for diplomats, it serves a good purpose, for it zeros in on diplomacy and bilateral relations based on genuine cooperation. One can dare say China Daily is a harbinger of China’s ascension to the helm in the power hierarchy.


The Ethiopian Herald June 30/2024


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