Effective execution of projects deserving scaling up tasks nationwide in different spheres

Squalid villages and shanty houses with rusty corrugated iron-sheet roofs were hiding behind big buildings scantly scattered in Addis, which many agree proved an eyesore specially seen with a bird’s eye view. This tragic episode was begging for a turnaround. The dilapidated buildings too were clamoring for refurbishments. It was not unusual to come across dump yards here and there. It was out of this necessity Addis’ Corridor Development Project was brought to life to transform Addis from eyesore to eye candy as well as allow ample space for pedestrians and enough rooms for vehicles running to and from.

The new road from the historic Mexico Square to that of Sarbet entailed in the aforementioned Project has just seen completion and inaugurated by higher government officials. As nothing is as assuring as hearing things from the horse’s mouth let us see what residents expressed about the transformation crystalizing.

“It is nothing short of a miracle. In the bygone days people living with disability or using wheelchairs like myself were not given due attention. As such, our lives were in danger. But now as you can see we are using the cycle lane entertaining the feeling of safety enjoying the new Addis’s vibe meeting the standard Pillars of a modern town. We have left narrow roads suffering congestions behind us. Now, there is no more brushing of sides with vehicles. The difference is as wide apart as the earth and the sky. The grasses and the palm trees are refreshing,” so told an interviewee of Addis Media Network.

Another interviewee noted “There were no scenery and greenery. But now we see green spots, parking, basements, plazas, bus terminals, entertainment spots, public rest rooms and what have you.”

A middle level official in the city administration noted, “No businessman voiced a compliant though s/he made some space sacrifices. Enthused with the project businessmen are tapping the project on the back. In the infrastructure expansion work streamlined activities were witnessed— that is in the installation of water pipelines, electricity lines and road expansions. Architects from the public side did volunteer in giving expertise. Urbanization promotes economic activities. Everything is superb. Besides, the project has opened job opportunities for many youths. A timely and satisfying compensation has to be upheld to take many aboard. The work culture is evolving for Ethiopians have begun to adopt a round the clock engagement in duty. This has awakened other project heads that were tardy in completing their respective projects.”

As the saying goes “seeing is believing,” one can check things paying homage to transformed Addis, a seat of many international organizations. Now it could tick all the boxes of be it guests or residents. Resistance to change will go to the background when projects are run by determined executives that do not start not to finish.

The example set by the Addis Ababa City Administration has to be scaled up in other fields of engagements throughout the country so as to ensure the country’s envisaged affluence. The spirit of “of course we could do it!” must ripple nationwide. Executing quality-standard-meeting task within the deadline displaying esthetics and synchronicity must be made a norm. Also the extraordinary tasks handled in import substitution producing inputs and raw materials here by own experts are commendable. This spirit must spur the country far in the avenue of industrialization.


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