Friends Forever: How a beloved sitcom helped a struggling student overcome adversity”

“I’ll be there for you, ’cause you’re there for me too.”

This is the iconic opening line of the famous sitcom TV series – Friends.

I was a second-year university student struggling with profound stress. It was a difficult time filled with loneliness and anxiety.

The only thing that helped me deal with this stress was watching movies throughout the day and night. By default, I started watching the Friends TV series from the very first episode, and it helped transform my mood, the way I saw things, and even my outlook on the world. Eventually, it not only helped me get through that challenging period but also made me a more loving and caring person.

In my darkest, most desperate and lowest moments, this TV show was there for me, helping me overcome my depression. It gave me hope and a reason to look forward to life. It was like free therapy. I learned many valuable lessons for my personal growth journey, particularly on how to tackle the problems I face in life and to fight until the very end.

For me, Friends was not just a sitcom, but a mentor show, where I was able to witness different aspects of life. I found humor, happiness, tears, and sadness in this show. I could even write a book about what this TV series meant to me.

Now, it’s been three decades since this TV sitcom first aired, and yet it remains on many people’s favorite TV show lists.

The characters’ genuine camaraderie and support for one another is captivating. I believe having someone who has your back during your lowest moments is invaluable. Interestingly, they also tease each other constantly, without holding grudges, insecurities, or distress, and maintaining their close-knit friendship.

The credit for the show’s enduring success and its positive impact on millions of people around the world, making the world a better place, goes to the talented cast.



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