Ardent participant  from the get-go

The ambition to ensure an inclusive and fair world order seems to have been implemented after the BRICS emerged as an alternative path for those who have been isolated due to their economic, political and social status and ideologies. Shaping the current world order and the rules of the play should be answered in a way that fits everyone from every corner.

From the beginning of January 2024, the BRICS founding members passed a decision to expand their number of members so that it could incorporate more countries. In this regard, the bloc decided to add six new member states including Ethiopia. The bloc is aiming at becoming one of the bold economic and political blocs around the world and making things that mostly tilted to the Western world right.

Having giant blocs in different areas and cooperation surely opens many doors for countries like Ethiopia to observe their opportunities and choose the one that fits their national interest. Ethiopia has been one of the few countries that take the burden to be the voice of the voiceless in advocating equal presentation at the high table of the world coupled with a win-win approach on any national interest issues. The country believes that every state around the world should be treated equally and no one gets extra benefits in any scenario.

It is a fact that economic strength and political paradigm are the most important aspects when it comes to getting involved in any activity in the world. Realizing a multipolar world and making financial power-oriented institutions free from any external pressures, such a bloc like BRICS should be flexing its muscles and making the expected difference. Global financial blocs are pressed by different interests from their financial sources. Blocs’ dependency on their providers also creates room for bias and isolation when nations with different stands come to get their services.

Ethiopia strongly believes that major international organizations and blocs are under multiple pressures, and they must be free from any pressure and discrimination. Besides, a handful of nations are stirring the entire world and imposing their ideologies on nations that have uneven power with their opponents. Especially, the African and Latin American nations feel the heat of pressure on many occasions. The two continents contain a lot of populations, and yet they have not been represented well in global power.

Accordingly, Ethiopia has shown its pleasure and strong interest in becoming a member of the BRICS and will do everything to defend its national interest and enjoy the advantages. It brings a new world order that leaves no one behind. Every member builds their foundation on equal and mutual grounds. Such a move is also a blessing for those unrepresented continents.

The government of Ethiopia and the ruling party express their desire and commitment to working with the member states and the entire bloc. This has also been reflected At the International Interparty “BRICS and Partner Countries” Forum.

Delivering a speech on the forum, Adem Farah, Vice President of Ethiopia’s ruling Prosperity Party, voiced the party’s commitment to strengthening its engagement with the BRICS platform.

VP Adem stated, “Our president, Abiy Ahmed (PhD), has been a strong advocate for increased engagement with BRICS member countries and the platform itself. His vision and leadership have underscored the importance of our involvement in this dynamic coalition.”

“We are honored and delighted to be a part of BRICS, and we eagerly anticipate the collective progress and shared prosperity that our collaboration promises,” the Vice President stated.

The Party is ready to advocate for BRICS’s objectives and is committed to contributing its share towards shared goals, Adem noted adding “We are prepared to play our role as BRICS aims to reform global financial institutions and champion a multipolar world order.”

The speed and quality of major national projects, including the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam—the largest dam in Africa—are proofs of Ethiopia’s progress, he said pointing out that Ethiopia’s economy is one of the fastest growing in the world and is now the 5th largest economy in Africa.

These achievements are evidence of the tireless efforts of the leadership and members of the Prosperity Party, the people of Ethiopia, and the support of our partners despite facing numerous natural and man-made challenges, Adem underlined.

The Vice President underscored the Prosperity Party’s firm stance on principles of “sovereignty, territorial integrity, undivided and equal security, multilateralism, global justice, and the peaceful coexistence of nations.”

The international governance and political system, financial system, and media narratives do not reflect the diversity of our world, Adem said adding “With their significant populations, Africa and Latin America remain underrepresented in crucial platforms such as the UN Security Council. Therefore, we strongly support efforts to reform the international governance system to be more inclusive and reflective of global diversity to ensure world majority for a multipolar world.”

PP Vice President mentioned the pivotal role of the BRICS in fostering cooperation and collaboration in peace, security, innovation, technology, and shared prosperity.

“Its achievements in these areas have been remarkable, and we commend the platform for its unwavering commitment to building a multipolar world order. We call for further cooperation, collaboration, and exchanges among BRICS and partner countries to amplify our collective impact.”

He called for reforms to the “unjust” international governance and financial systems, highlighting the need for greater representation of Africa and Latin America on crucial platforms.

The Prosperity Party’s support for the BRICS platform’s objectives, including the reform of global financial institutions and the advancement of a multipolar world order, was a central focus of the speech. The party pledged to play a constructive role in realising these shared goals.

Looking ahead, the Vice President announced that the Prosperity Party will hold its second congress within the next six months, providing an opportunity to “reevaluate our achievements over the past two and a half years and set new directions for the future.”

He extended an invitation to the esteemed BRICS and partner country parties to participate in this significant event. His address underscored the Prosperity Party’s commitment to strengthening Ethiopia’s ties with the BRICS nations and shaping a more equitable global landscape.

As the country continues its remarkable journey of progress, the Prosperity Party’s role in fostering international collaboration and advancing a multipolar world order remains a priority.


 The Ethiopian Herald June 23/2024


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