New tourist destinations augmenting Ethiopia’s tourism sector performance

Ethiopia known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes, has been making significant strides in enhancing its tourism sector through new projects and initiatives.

In recent years, the country has seen a surge in tourism development, with a focus on attracting more visitors and providing them with unique experiences.

No doubt, the country embraces a wide range of tourist attractions, including ancient historical sites such as the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, the ancient city of Axum, and the castles of Gondar, the walled city of Harar, Lucy-the ancestor of human-kind, the active volcano of Erta Ale, among others.

Moreover, the country is also home to breathtaking natural wonders, such as the Simien Mountains National Park, the Omo Valley, and diversified endemic animals, which make the country a real land of origins.

With a growing emphasis on sustainable tourism practices, the country is committed to preserving its cultural heritage and natural resources for future generations.

Recently, the Ministry of Tourism announced that Ethiopia generated some 3.2 billion USD from international tourists during the past nine months of the current fiscal year while domestic tourism has channeled 48.8 billion Birr to the national economy.

Presenting the nine month’s performance of the tourism sector to the Trade and Tourism Standing Committee of the House of People Representatives, Tourism Minister Nassise Chali stated that of the plan to generate 3.5 billion USD, it was able to amass 3.2 billion USD by attracting 861,126 foreign tourists.

Around 30.5 million local tourists also visited different attraction sites though the plan was to lure 31.2 million.

Through the efforts that have been put towards enhancing meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions tourism (MICE tourism), Ethiopia has organized 19 international events in nine months. The country also took part in six international trade fairs that were hosted in the UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Pakistan and India which is said to be instrumental in promoting its tourism potential.

Highlighting that over 406,000 tourists visited the National Museum in the stated period, the Minister indicated that 152.1 million Birr was generated from park visiting, sport hunting, issuing and renewing license, and film production, among others.

Mentioning the numerous activities that have been carried out to expand local and international investment, Nassise noted her Ministry has prepared a national tourism investment profile as well as a tourism investment promotion document and distributed to domestic and international stakeholders.

To this end, 91 new investors have been engaged in the tourism sector while around 63 investments that had been on the pipeline have become operational in this year. Some 1,016 new guesthouses have also been open to service.

“By undertaking several digital promotion activities, the Ministry has increased its online penetration by 45 percent. It is also promoting and delivering tourism information using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Telegram.”

Also, the Ministry has executed valuable activities including building tourist information centers, putting landmarks, towers and informative symbols on tourist destinations including preparing restrooms nearby.

“Of the plan to create 105,000 jobs, about 81,673 jobs were created from which 30,968 are permanent. The aforesaid employment opportunities were created in hotels, tour operators and guides, tourism technology and digitalization, event organization, among others.”

She also noted that to minimize the threats on reserved tourist areas, efforts have been geared towards providing alternative livelihoods for citizens. Thus, around 29,295 citizens have benefitted through eco-tourism, agriculture, provision of renewable energy, small enterprises, and sustainable natural resources.

With regard to development of new and already existing tourist destinations, the Minister stressed that the PM Abiy Ahmed (PhD) initiatives such as ‘Gebeta’ projects have played a significant role in enhancing Ethiopia’s international competitiveness and creating more jobs.

Nassise also highlighted the ongoing renewal and infrastructural development projects in Jimma Aba Jifar, Senkele Swayne’s Hartebeest Sanctuary (SSHS) and Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela.

Commending the best performance in the report, members of the Standing Committee emphasized the need to engage the private sector in the tourism business, adding value to tourist destination developments, properly utilizing tourism potential as well as creating more jobs in the sector.

Apart from this, the country has been investing heavily in new tourism projects to capitalize on its vast potential and attract a larger number of international visitors. The construction of new luxury resorts and eco-lodges in popular tourist destinations becomes new potential tourist destinations. The development of new tour routes and experiences that showcase the country’s unique culture and traditions helps to generate more from the sector.

Thus, these new tourism projects are expected to have a positive impact on Ethiopia’s tourism sector performance in several ways. By offering new and exciting attractions, Ethiopia is likely to see a rise in the number of international tourists visiting the country. Parallel to this, the development of new tourism projects will also help to attract a more diverse range of visitors, including luxury travelers, adventure seekers, and cultural enthusiasts.

Finally, a thriving tourism sector can provide significant economic benefits for the country by creating jobs, generating revenue, and supporting local businesses.

In sum, Ethiopia’s focus on developing new tourism projects is poised to elevate the country’s tourism sector to new heights. With its unique cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and commitment to sustainable tourism practices, the country is well-positioned to become a premier destination for travelers from around the world. So far, the new tourism projects are playing a crucial role in enhancing the tourism sector’s performance.



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