Cultivating technology startups, innovators at the grassroots level (Central Ethiopia organizes 1st science, innovation Expo)

Developing and promoting the science, technology, and innovation sector is among the priority national agendas of Ethiopia to realize prosperity. Within this context, the Ethiopian government, at the federal level, is taking various measures to create a conducive ecosystem for the sector and to promote local innovations and scientific research. In addition to that, organizing national exhibitions, trade fairs, and expos are among the initiatives being undertaken by the federal government to promote startups and new technological innovations. These continuous initiatives are developing innovations; inspiring young innovators and creating competition.

STRIDE Ethiopia Expo 2024, National Aviation Innovation Expo, Startup Ethiopia Expo, ICT Expo, and similar national events were organized only during this budget year targeting the promotion of the science, technology, digitalization, and innovation sectors at the federal level. Taking the federal government’s initiatives, regional governments are giving due focus to the development of science, innovation, digitalization, and technological development at the grassroots level.

As Ethiopia gives special attention to the development of the science, digital, and technology sectors, it needs the local and regional governments’ commitment to realize the initiative. Taking this federal government’s initiative of promoting and supporting local innovators and technology companies, recently the Central Ethiopia Regional Government has organized the first-ever Science and Innovation Exhibition at Hosaena City. The first science and innovation exhibition of the regional state was organized at Hosaena City where more than 100 innovators and technology companies presented their products.

While opening the exhibition, Endeshaw Tassew, Central Ethiopia National Regional State Chief Administrator, said that Ethiopia is working to realize the development of science, technology, and local innovations. Taking this initiative, the Central Ethiopia Regional Government gives due priority to the development of local innovations, technological developments, and scientific research. As to him, the regional government is committed to supporting youth innovators who are engaged in manufacturing problem-solving science and technological products.

The Chief Administrator, after visiting the technological products and innovations presented at the expo said that there is a promising development in the science, technology, and innovation sector. As to him, a lot of innovative products that can solve societal problems are invented and presented at the expo. Hence, for him, supporting and promoting these local innovations and products of the youth generation would have multidimensional benefits for society and the nation at large.

Endeshaw noted that supporting and developing these local science, technology and innovation products helps in creating job opportunities, in technology transfer and for import substitution. The Expo and the panel discussion was organized under the theme: “Let us make Central Ethiopia a National Regional State hub for Science, Innovation, and Technology.” At the event, more than 100 private and government companies engaged in science, innovation, and technology sectors comprised from districts and zonal levels from across the regional state presented their products Students, teachers, private entrepreneurs, eight polytechnic colleges and other individual innovators were among the participants of the expo, according to Central Ethiopia Government Communication.

For his part, Dilamo Otore (PhD), Chief Whip, Central Ethiopia National Regional State noted during the panel discussion that promoting local innovations would solve local problems. As to him, considering the critical role of local innovations and scientific research, the regional government like the federal government is working for the development of innovations and startup technologies within the regional state.

“Science is a base for everything, and technology is an accelerator of development,” Dilamo stated adding the innovational products and startup technologies presented at the regional exhibition are promising products showcasing the efforts of the generation in the sector. As to him, the regional government will continue supporting and promoting such innovations and startup technologies within the region and calls the youth generation, students, and technology-based institutions within the region to continue their efforts in capitalizing their innovational and scientific ideas.

Central Ethiopia Regional Government Deputy Chief Administrator, Social Cluster Coordinator and Education Bureau head, Anteneh Fekadu for his part stated that science, technology and innovation sector is vital to ensure economic competitiveness and national sovereignty. For him, the secret behind the economic development of the developed world is science, technology and innovation. As to Anteneh, to achieve economic benefits of the people of the regional state, it is critical to promote and develop the science, technology and innovation sector.

Selamu Amado, Central Ethiopia Regional Government Science and Information Technology Bureau Head also said that science, innovation and technology sector is a critical sector to achieve overall national development. Considering its role, Ethiopia is working to realize strong science and technology sector. As to him, the Central Ethiopia Regional Government is also working to support and develop the sector. Realizing the technological developments and scientific researchers is critical for the overall development of the region Samuel stated adding developing sector needs strong collaboration and integration of all stakeholders assuring regional government’s readiness to collaborate with all stakeholders for the development of the sector.



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