Agenda setting crucial step towards resolving longstanding challenges

There is no denying the fact that national dialogue plays a huge role in taking the country to the next level of accomplishment at the earliest possible moment. It is certain that for dozens of years, the country has been confronting must-solve political polarizations turbocharged by divisive rhetoric. It is common knowledge that Ethiopia has been unquestionably harmed by decades of unsettled hindrances that still bring pressure to bear on the nation building process.

It is the most heartening decision for the country to come back to its political history and design its way forward for reconciliation, stability, and affluence on account of the fact that the socio-economic context and the unsettled political backgrounds.

It should be pointed out that following the backlogs of quandaries taking place in some parts of the country, Ethiopia has been passing through many twists and turns. However, taking the ongoing reality on the ground, the federal government has been undertaking all possible endeavors from widening democratic and political space to staging national dialogue.

Considering the current circumstances, the incumbent has been partaking in a diverse range of rewarding happenings that can wind down piled up conflicts through the passage of time. In point of fact, most of the skirmishes that spark in several parts of the country have been chalked up to socio-economic problems and other related aspects.

In a previous interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Anteneh Tsegaye (PhD), Assistant Professor of Intercultural Communication at Addis Ababa University said that a national dialogue’s context and objectives have a significant impact on its development and outcome. There is no guarantee that any national dialogue will succeed, and many have failed.

They may include the strengthening of a culture of debate and free speech; the breaking of taboo issues; the entrenchment of certain norms of inclusion and representation of marginalized groups; and the ability to keep all the political actors inside the political process. There is no one blueprint for the success or failure of all national dialogues as every conflict’s context and demand are unique and dynamic.

However, there are two central categories of factors that significantly affect the success or failure of the national dialogue; namely the political context factors and the design or process factors. Expected to address polarized views of the Ethiopian state by creating consensus on major national issues, Ethiopia has been carrying out an inclusive and game-changer national dialogue.

Following the historic national poll, the incumbent has been engaged in finding conciliatory gestures to expedite the nation-building process. If it is utilized properly, the national platform is also a genuine and millstone attempt to reconcile differences and to find a middle ground. The steps taken so far to ensure transparency in the early works of the national dialogue would lay a foundation for future undertakings.

In the same way, national dialogue is undergoing a democratic and independent process. In fact, the public is the primary driving force to make it more sound and acceptable to all. This helps to bring each and every voice to the national platform. The dialogue is receiving public acceptance and many are pinning their hope on it to cement Ethiopia’s democratic path and prosperity.

It is certain that beset by polarized political views and years of divisive rhetoric, conflicts have been surfacing in the country necessitating a genuine and transparent national dialogue.

In point of fact, Ethiopia is yet to redress the major bones of contestations and points of departure among political parties and the people as well. The failure to resolve differences has sometimes morphed into disastrous violence and conflicts.

In actual fact, the Commission was established with a view to addressing deep differences of opinions and disagreements on fundamental national issues among various political and opinion leaders stretching to the segments of society at the grassroots level. This being the case, it is imperative to resolve the differences and disagreements through broad-based inclusive dialogue that engenders national consensus.

The Proclamation No.1265/2021 provides the Commission with powers, which include establishing working procedures for the national dialogue process; selecting national dialogue participants; identifying differences among political and opinion leaders as well as sections of the society through conducting studies and organizing public consultations or by using alternative means. Accordingly, the Commission is making preparations to facilitate public consultations for agenda collection, the statement added.

Most importantly, the purpose is neither to please the outsiders nor to doge international criticism. While Ethiopia is ready to consider constructive support, the world has no choice but to stand by the will of the Ethiopian public.

It is crystal clear that for the realization of the national dialogue, the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) has recently concluded agenda setting consultative chapter in some parts of the country. For instance, the ENDC has concluded agenda setting consultative chapter in Addis Ababa held for the last 7 days, according to information obtained from local media.

National Dialogue Chief Commissioner, Professor Mesfin Araya told the media that the representatives of communities, associations and institutions, political parties and influential individuals as well as the three government organs discussed and identified agenda in five groups. The participants have exerted efforts to identify issues that they believe are the causes of the problems the country is facing, the chief commissioner added.

According to him, the process held over the past 7 days demonstrated that Ethiopians can address their differences through discussions. Ideas flowed endlessly during the dialogue, Professor Mesfin said, commending the participants for their outstanding efforts to raise the voices and needs of the communities and stakeholders they represented.

There was active participation in setting the agenda by giving a great deal of attention to ensure that all ideas gathered were included. The stakeholders of the dialogue have discussed thoroughly and gathered agenda items that they believe are important for further deliberations at the next level of the national dialogue conference. The agenda items are submitted to the Council of Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, it was learned.

The chief commissioner further revealed that agenda setting’s consultations will be conducted in all of the 12 regions and the Dire Dawa City Administration as well as at federal and diaspora levels.

It should be borne in mind that in recent times, the government has been carrying out a wide spectrum of activities with the intention of resolving conflict through dialogue among the various Nations and Nationalities residing under the umbrella of Ethiopia.

As one would expect national dialogue plays a major role in the nation-building process, forestalling discords and repairing hostilities of multiple types through dialogue with the audience and the conflict-resolution process. Apart from supporting living in peace and harmony, the national dialogue plays a major role in giving rise to stability as well as prosperity and taking the country to the next level of accomplishment at the earliest possible time.

In the seven days agenda gathering consultation organized by ENDC, Yohannes Mekonnen, Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (EZEMA) Party Deputy Leader, said that the nation has faced multiple challenges that constraint it from moving forward. Hence, political parties are expected to curb the challenges at grass roots level through this platform.

Political parties are expected to come up with organized ideas that are relevant to leave past challenges behind. “Parties shall not bring common sense to the table; rather they are more welcomed to come up with organized thought that could help the nation move forward. Moreover, they need to make themselves ready not only to speak their minds but to listen to others willingly. Isolating self from the dialogue would only widen differences.

On her part, Rahel Bafe (PhD), Ethiopian Political Parties Joint Council Head said that National Dialogue is a new chapter for Ethiopia and the role of politicians and political parties is critical in realizing the goal of the National Dialogue. Political parties are expected to not only actively participate in the national dialogue but also to bring concrete ideas to the table.

Political parties need to focus on ways resolving the past and already existing challenges to create a better future. Not only political parties, but also everyone has the responsibility to exert utmost effort in order to hold fruitful dialogue.

It is common knowledge that the Ethiopian government has lately established National Dialogue Commission to build a ‘common view among different groups and citizens for exchange of ideas in the context of its nation-building process.

The establishment of national dialogue plays a valuable role in forestalling potential skirmishes, and repairing aggressions of plurality of types through dialogue with the public. Regarding the significance and the challenges of the national dialogue a number of experts, scholars and other influential people have been tossing around ideas.

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald



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