Adama, Bole Lemi IPs maximize production, prioritizes import substitution

ADDIS ABABA-Adama and Bole Lemi Industrial Parks announced that they restored the normal production which was diminished because of the AGOA restriction and COVD- 19 pandemic over the past years.

Approached by the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), Adama Industrial Park CEO, Gulilat Abebe said that seven investors entered into the park in the past 14 months, making the total number of investors 13…[] the manufacturing volume is now at a good level.

The industrial park has only five years of manufacturing history. Though, the progress is growing significantly. The total amount of manufacturing recorded in the past ten months is substantial. “About 1.8 billion USD worth of import substitution goods have been manufactured. Moreover, More than 15 million USD incomes have been generated from export.”

Speaking about the manufacturing specialty of the IP, he said that garment and textile is the priority. Moreover, electro-mechanical and construction manufacturing companies are operating in the area.

“The industrial park still has free spaces with energy supply and IP infrastructures available for incoming investors.”

Bole Lemi Industrial Park CEO, TinsaeYimam also said that investors particularly from abroad are investing and their number is increasing in time.

Bole Lemi IP is known for its international standard infrastructural availability and waste management.

Some 19 companies have factories in the park, 14 of them are in active operation. Also, new coming investors are constructing sheds so they will enter into production shortly, he said..

According to Tinsae, the overall infrastructure of the IP is based on the international standard. The IP has its own waste purification and disposal plant with a capacity of 2.1 million liters per a day. The energy supply is also fully free from wastage. “The electric energy is fully renewable, so investors can access energy with less environmental cost and lower price,” he added.



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