Ethiopia’s Agenda 2063 implementation impressive : Minister

  • 10th ARFSD forum kicks-off

ADDIS ABABA – Through well-aligned and innovative financing schemes, Ethiopia has become one of few African countries that have registered impressive results in Agenda 2063 implementation, the Ministry of Planning and Development (MoPD) said.

MoPD Minister Fitsum Assefa (PhD) made the above remark on the behalf of President Sahle-work Zewdie yesterday while commencing the 10th session of African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD). The 10th ARFSD forum is being held under the theme “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises: The Effectiveness of Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions.”

Fistum (PhD) also noted on the occasion that Ethiopia has registered notable results in implementing the goals of Agenda 2063.

“Ethiopia has also made significant progress in mobilizing the domestic and international resources for rapid and sustained economic growth, and development. And thus, this experience could be benchmarked for accelerated implementation of the remaining goals of the strategic plans.”

“This forum is timely and relevant to review the progress achieved, the challenges encountered and the way forward in implementing the sustainable development in our continent,” she added.

Africa has faced multiple and interlocking challenges including climate change, geopolitical tensions and economic instability and extreme poverty among other related pressing issues in recent years.

According to the Minister, various barriers are seriously hindering Africa’s efforts toward the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reversed the hard-won gains. Therefore, these hurdles need the resolute commitment to eradicate poverty and ensure the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient, and innovative solutions.

She called on attention to be given to the most vulnerable groups in Africa and ensure that the interventions are guided by the principles of equity, solidarity and sustainability.Accordingly, holistic and integrated approaches are required for lure sizable investments in peace- building, quality education, healthcare, infrastructure, and sustainable means of livelihood focusing on women and youth empowerment.

“Similarly, facilitating youth-driven innovation and harnessing inventions would be catalysts towards a transformative journey to sustainable development, unlocking new opportunities for inclusive progress and poverty eradication.”

Reaffirming Ethiopia’s firm commitment, Fitsum (PhD) called on member states to redouble efforts to achieve the shared vision of a more just, resilient, and sustainable world for current and future generations.

While making a call to action for all member states to revitalize engagements, African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson Monique Nsanzabaganwa stressed that AU and UN need to continue efforts on the mechanisms put in place to harmonize the set strategies.

It is also highly significant to budget and network to de-risk private investment and international finance to help smoothly flow in. Also, collaboration and engaging all member states to domesticate in the respective countries should support the framework of private sectors of the society in the country to implement the framework, she remarked.



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