House approves proclamation to establish National Reconciliation Commission

ADDIS ABABA- House of Peoples Representatives (HPR) yesterday approved the establishment of the National Reconciliation Commission, which aims at creating sustainable peace and tolerance by reconciliation.

The Parliament approved the proclamation to setup the Commission after the ‘Foreign Relations and Peace’, and ‘Law, Justice and Democracy Affairs’ standing committees examined the draft bill. Briefing the House, Tesfaye Daba, Chairperson of the Foreign Relations and Peace standing committee, said that the aim of the Commission is to study and pinpoint sources of grievances and claims within the society, and solve it by reconciliation.

The end goal of the Commission is to maintain the longstanding social capital of tolerance among the peoples of Ethiopia, he added. Tesfaye stated that the Commission will work to restore peace, end conflicts and strengthen the ongoing reforms by maintaining the value of tolerance among the people.

According to him, the Commission is neutral and free from any political activities, while its members will also be a group of honorable and respected individuals of the country. The Commission is established on a temporary basis for three years while the members will be elected by the Parliament upon recommendation of the Prime Minister, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 26/2018


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