Permanent suffering in maternal inner- being

In the beholder, suffering is permanent with mothers who are responsible for taking care of a household. A selfless or unconditional love of a mother for her family is evident. It is reflected by her devotion at the expense of her energy, time and life. “Behind a successful man, there is a woman,’’ saying amplifies woman’s scarification until realizing a family’s dream. Women can serve as a catalyst and a model in ensuring inner peace and courting happiness and joy across the world.

In another twist, it is heartbreaking to see members of the fair sex as emotional beings and sexual objects. It is not unusual to hear woman labeled as subordinates to man. It is shameful to conclude that woman’s role is confined to the kitchen degrading her status solely to menial works. It is fatuous to categorize woman as window of display and a laywoman fated to tackle constant jobs, like, secretary, hostess, banker, guest attendants. It is a wrong mindset to view woman as persons who are created to bearing and tending babies.

Gender inequality is highly manifested in patriarchal and narcissistic communities having self-centric mentalities. Giving a cold shoulder to women that comprises half of the population is tantamount to squandering a huge productive force.

Using excessive force, harassing and abusing members of the fair sex are the symptoms of chauvinistic bents perpetrated by the counterparts of women.

As researches indicate putting women on the pedestal of leadership is a cure for maladministration and corruption as well achieving social order and prosperity.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition August4/ 2019


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