New Pan African center ushering in momentum in Pan Africanism

The most anticipated Global Black History, Heritage and Education Center (GBHHEC) has made a decision to establish a huge museum and university in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The establishment of the center aims to recollect the scattered history, heritage and artifacts of Africans, to preserve and correct narrations that have been presented about black people in twisted manner, to tell the stories that have been left untold for long, revive the spirit of Pan-Africanism and ensure that the voices of black people are heard on the global stage.

In fact, the history, culture, successes and development of black people in Africa and elsewhere have always been left unnoticed or presented in a dissipated way purposefully, contrary to the reality on the ground. Even great deals of cultural heritages and artifacts that can vividly portray Africans rich history, culture, wisdom, knowledge are found dispersed in various countries around the globe which in turn limited the efforts.

Obviously, most of Africans’ history and culture were written and recorded by non-Africans, which opened the door to misconception and disparaging rhetoric.

Establishment of a well-organized and equipped center where the true image, history, civilization and dignity of black people is studied, documented and taught is mandatory to correct the diminutive narratives of the past against black people.

Ethiopia is a symbol of resistance, freedom and unity for Africans and black people throughout the world. It is also a beacon of hope and a nation that has a special place among Africans and black people around the globe for being a symbol of freedom and pride.

And in this regard, the decision made by the Board to establish a museum and a university in the capital Addis Ababa is the right decision that takes into consideration the nation’s unwavering contributions to Black history in Africa and worldwide and its energy for Pan Africanism.

On top of its thousands of years of history as a black people’s nation, the selection of Ethiopia’s capital to host the center is a wise decision as this par African city already host other prominent Pan African institutions like the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

In this regard, the decision made by Global Black History, Heritage, and Education Center’s to establish a major museum and university in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is a fundamental move and would have tremendous importance in realizing center’s mission. It helps in correcting the distorted and misrepresented history of black peoples in the entire world, letting them understand and appreciate Blacks’ culture, history, and heritage as well as documenting and passing on the untold stories of Africans to the young generation.

Besides, it strengthens solidarity among people who share the same history, culture, and heritage; and of course the same destiny. It is also a milestone that provides an insight for the young generation to know their roots, reconnecting and to introduce to black excellence at the highest level.

The other way round, the construction of the museum and the university in the capital Addis Ababa, will add up some important values to Ethiopia. It will make the capital a vibrant hub for research and education for scholars, researchers, historians and students who want to conduct study and learn about black peoples’ history, culture and wisdom.

Equally, it further strengthens Ethiopia’s effort to strengthen solidarity between and among black peoples and; reinvigorates the spirit of Pan Africanism.


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