President’s attempt to create havoc is dishonoring

Overall the 37th AU summit has been wound up as peacefully and successfully as usual. Yet a slight glitch has surfaced around the media of different backgrounds. The protocol and security related rumor surrounding the participation of Somali President Hassen Sheik Mohammad is mostly unfounded and intended to create havoc and smear Ethiopia’s good track record in successfully hosting the meeting, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Government Communication Service.
The successive governments that ruled Ethiopia since the reign of Emperor Hailesellasie I passed through at least one annual session of the Union. In addition to the annual ordinary and extraordinary sessions of the union, Ethiopia is also well known for hosting similar high level international sessions, conferences and events. Many people at home and abroad are living witnesses to the fact that the government has decades of experience in skillfully handling regional and international conferences as most of the relevant government ministries and security institutions have involved in the organization and facilitation of such events.
This is not an attempt to cover up any possible error that could have happened while handling such big continental event where thousands of dignitaries, officials, and media personnel, among others involve. But to clear up what really happened which is far from the truth, and is indeed an attempt to make troubles and disturb the smooth progress of the annual summit.
In a statement to the media, State Minister of Foreign Affairs Birtukan Ayano said that the government of Ethiopia which has the responsibility as a host country to welcome and serve the dignitaries with due protocols observed has indeed discharged its responsibility.
No other country has ever complained or up roared on any aspect or stage of the handling of such events in Ethiopia, not only the latest summit but even in the events that preceded. If at all problems occur in the course of the welcoming, accommodation, escorting or other stages, it is normal to solve them in close consultation with the assigned personnel of the government as well as the AU or other relevant organizers.
So what went wrong with the arrival, stay and overall participation of Somali President in Ethiopia for AU Summit?

According to Birtukan the government has accorded warm and appropriate welcoming ceremony for all the leaders as per their position. All the procedures from the airport up to the hotels or lodges and the meeting venue all official protocols were observed in the same way as practiced throughout the years.
She reiterated that what unfolded in connection with Somali President is not an outcome of lack of information or sheer mistake but an intentional attempt to create havoc. Yet Ethiopia as usual continues to exercise utmost protocol and discipline for the successful handling of the events of AU, UNECA, IGAD and many other continental and international organizations.
Any attempt to associate the incident with the recent political issue undergoing between Ethiopia and Somalia is illogical as Ethiopia has been hosting similar international events without causing any problem against the smooth participation of countries with which it has discrepancies. Its track record is a witness to its rational and principled and well versed handling of such continental and global undertakings the success of which is equally important to itself.

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