Scholar underscores enhancing Ethiopia’s role in Red Sea security

ADDIS ABABA –Given its strategic positioning, Ethiopia has been at the forefront actor towards sustaining peace and security of the Horn including Red Sea, so the political science researcher said.

Speaking to the Ethiopian Press


Agency (EPA), Political Science Researcher Shimelis Hailu said that owing to its history and proximity to the area, the country would have of a paramount importance on the sustainability of peace and security in the region and Red Sea as well.

Mentioning the establishment of a council which is aimed at countering various maritime security threats and crimes, he remarked that Ethiopia’s membership would help expedite the sustainability of regional peace and security.

As the Red Sea is the route that facilitates 10% of the global trade, he said that it is critical to consolidate surrounding countries’ efforts to promote the economic and peace sustainability.

“The escalating of terrorism, expansion of Al-Shabaab, chaos in Yemen and other related loopholes are becoming a threat to the region. Therefore, it is critical to make Ethiopia member of the council and beneficiary of sea outlet to help ease the tension in the region,” he pointed out.

As to him, its proximity counted for 60 kilometers from the Red Sea, Ethiopia’s access to sea and membership would be a milestone for so it to play its immense role on countering terrorism.

“Leveraging its vibrant military base in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia has been stretching its hands for the sustainability of peace and stability in the entire region, including Somalia and the Red Sea. In its historical background, Ethiopia, had managed protecting several ports in the Red Sea.

Therefore, it is worth mentioning for respective countries to resonate their voices for Ethiopia to admit its quest to sea outlet and discharge its role in the region and ensure mutual benefit more than ever, the researcher remarked.




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