Ambassadors, diplomats put marks in nation’s Green Legacy Campaign

ADDIS ABABA – Diplomatic community and Ambassadors based in Addis Ababa planted trees in Gulale Botanical Garden and put their marks in Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Campaign yesterday.

At the tree planting event, Ambassador of Netherland and Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Development Cooperation Thijs Woudstra told The Ethiopian Herald that: “We gather here at Gulele Botanical Garden to show our support for the initiative of Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed to plant four Billion trees in Ethiopia in this summer alone.”

July 29, 2019 is a historic day for all Ethiopians as they have smashed the world record by planting 200 million tree seedlings in a day, he said, adding that: “As a member of diplomatic community, I am proud to be part of this achievement.”

Indicating Ethiopia’s tremendous potential for afforestation, he said the move would bring about huge economic benefits to Ethiopia and its neighboring countries.

Aside from economic importance, the Green Campaign will help to mitigate the impact of climate change as Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries in this regard, the Ambassador said.

“This legacy signifies our support and may this tree serve as reminder of our commitment in supporting a sustainable economic and political future for Ethiopia and symbol of fraternal relationship between our government and Ethiopia,” he noted.

Mahlet Hailu, Ambassador of FDRE to America, Europe, and Asia and Multilateral Affairs Permanent secretary, said the green initiative which is being carried out throughout the county is aimed for promoting reforestation efforts in the country.

The initiative has received the support of various international organizations, including various United Nations agencies, as well as development partners due to its positive role in the fight against climate change, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald July 30/2019


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