Officers commend Ethiopia’s military diplomacy for other Africans

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia is a good example to African countries with regard to pursuing amicable military diplomacy with neighboring

 countries and the rest of the continent, a military officer from the Ethiopian Defense War College said.

Speaking to the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), War College student Lieutenant Colonel Yeshitila Shiferaw (PhD) stated that the country’s military diplomacy with neighboring countries is as harmonious as soft diplomacy.

Yeshitila, who is also Assistant Professor at the Ethiopian Defense University, further stated the enrollment of six Eastern Africa countries’ students at the Ethiopian Defense War College is the manifestation for the country’s cordial approach.

“The students are taking training and military science courses at the college and as the East African region has intertwined fate and shared common challenges, our problems are only to be resolved through collective measure. I believe our unity is the best solution to end challenges and we need to continue the existing sisterhood and brotherhood relation with the rest of Africans.”

A South Sudanese national and Ethiopian Defense War College student Colonel Mangong Anyijong also told the EPA that Ethiopia’s diplomatic history is a lesson to the entire continent. “The Diplomacy Exhibition is one of the greatest events I ever witnessed in my life. I have been hearing about Ethiopia’s long diplomatic history and I witnessed it today. It would be good if all Africans have such heritage. The first African Foreign Minister was from Ethiopia because he was appointed 1907 by Emperor Haileselassie I.”

The officer added, “Almost all other Africans were under colonial rule and my country, South Sudan, was also under British control. So, the history of Ethiopia reminds us of a lot of important things.”

Colonel Anyijong also suggested Africans military attachés and other Addis-based diplomatic communities to visit the Diplomacy Week and Exhibition. “Because, this one is purely independent history, independent culture and all Africans should be proud of it.”

Speaking about regional and continental integration, he indicated terrorism is the existential threat to not only Africans but also to all humankind and urged all Africans should be united to repel the problem. “Poverty, terrorism and other problems have been immensely troubling East Africa and in the continent at large, so collaboration to fight against these challenges should not be seen as an option anymore.”



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