Peace is a valuable and important aspect of every country; it is not something to be compromised or should be taken for granted. Without peace, it is difficult for society to function freely, business to flourish properly, foreign investment to flow in and, the government to implement economic development strategies effectively. That is why as a nation that aspired to achieve economic prosperity and ensure sustainable peace in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is excreting all its energy for the sake of peace. That is why the nation gave priority for peaceful discussions instead of other directions.
Lately, the Ministry of Peace had conducted its second National Peace Council Forum, speaking at the event, State Minister of Peace, Seyoum Mesfin (PhD), said that peace is a multifaceted issue that has a key role to ensure democracy and economic development. According to him, while pursuing economic progress and ensuring democratization peace will prevail. In this regard, it is the prime target of the nation
According to him, several Ethiopians have been displaced from their village and lost their precious life because of conflicts. For this reason, the government is doing its level best to ensure sustainable peace and stability.
Peace is not a one-time agenda or should be left to the government or few stakeholders working in the area. It should be the responsibility of every citizen. According to him, in order to ease the efforts of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission and create an enabling environment for the commission the council has key a role.
Speaking at the event Peace Minister, Binalf Andualem on his part said that, preventive measures should be given priority over post-conflict actions. It is always more effective to address the root causes of conflict and intervene before they escalate into violence or animosity. In this regard, the government is working aggressively to ensure a sustainable peace.
Preventative measures do not undermine the value of peace. Instead, they reinforce the importance of proactive and strategic actions that can mitigate or avoid all the potential threats of peace before they erupt. As witnessed in the country, this approach has enabled the nation to create stable, inclusive and peaceful society.
Ethiopia is diverse with various ethnic, religious and regional differences. For this very reason, fostering unity at the expense of conflict benefits the whole society. That is why the government is exerting all its efforts to realize sustainable peace and security.
Fostering unity, inclusivity and tolerance among all citizens are among the steps the government has taken to ensure long-lasting peace. This is in the form of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission or in other discussions. By doing this the government is able to address the root causes of conflict, promote equality and justice and respect the rights and voices of its citizens.
It is crystal clear that the peace that prevails in Ethiopia has a direct and indirect contribution to the region. In other words, sustainable peace will not only benefit its citizens but can also have a positive spillover effect on the entire region. It can create a conducive environment for economic growth, development and cooperation, which an uplift the lives of millions of peoples in the Horn of Africa. As witnessed from previous experiences, the peace and stability of Ethiopia has positively affected those countries in the region.
In this regard, all stakeholders and every Ethiopian citizen to prioritize peace and work for the good of the people promote reconciliation and create harmonious society.
As indicated by Peace Minister, Binalf, preventive measures involve identifying the potential threats to peace, addressing grievances and promoting dialogue. This can be done through various means, such as educational initiatives, community engagement programs and inclusive governance.
As witnessed several times, due to its preventive measures the government is able to avoid several threats peace, minimize suffering and reduced long-term economic and social costs associated with conflicts. What is more, taking all necessary measures to avoid conflict through dialogue is one of the measures the government took to ensure peace. The recent measure that avoids conflict in the northern part of the nation is a good example in this regard.
Sustainable peace-building through dialogue is a complex and long-term process that requires commitment, patience, and continuous efforts from all stakeholders. Additionally, addressing underlying structural issues, promoting social justice, and addressing historical grievances are critical for achieving lasting peace in Ethiopia. In this regard, establishing effective conflict resolution mechanisms, such as peace committees, mediation processes, and reconciliation initiatives, provide platforms for addressing grievances, resolving disputes, and promoting understanding among conflicting parties.
As indicated by literature, dialogue should focus on reconciliation and healing processes that acknowledge the historical, social, and political factors contributing to conflicts. Truth and reconciliation commissions, community dialogues, and cultural initiatives can help address past grievances and promote healing within communities. What is more, public awareness campaigns, education initiatives, and community engagement programs to promote a culture of peace, tolerance, and non-violent conflict resolution at the grassroots level have their share to ensure sustainable peace
Dialogue for sustainable peace should also encompass discussions on economic development, social justice, and the equitable distribution of resources. Addressing socio-economic disparities and promoting inclusive development can contribute to long-term stability and peace.
Ethiopians have had their share of conflicts and challenges in the past, but the government, society and individuals must work hard to ensure sustainable peace. This can only be achieved through dialogue, understanding and compromise rather than resorting to violence.