Academy’s capacity building contribution grows: Deputy Premier

ADDIS ABABA– Meles Zenawi Academy has been playing significant role in building the capacity of leaders and contributing to the on-going national reform.

Deputy Prime Minister and Board Chairperson of Meles Zenawi Academy Demeke Mekonnen said this as he highlighted the role of competent leadership in curbing emerging problems and sustaining the on-going reforms at the opening of 3rd National Research Conference of the Academy yesterday.

Demeke said conducting national research and providing leadership capacity trainings are crucial to address the current challenges that the country faced with.

Academy’s President Amb. Dr. Adisalem Balema said for his part that the government is committed to equip competent leaders with the needed skills to realize the Ethiopian renaissance and democratic transformation.

As to him, the Academy works to provide leaders with knowledge on policies and strategies to help them better exercise leadership role, he added.

The Academy also established think tank and consultancy services to utilize scholars’ research, which has great role for the development of the country, he noted.

Nine academic papers on topics relating to challenges and opportunities of the reform were presented on the conference themed: ‘Developmental Democratic State and Change Leadership’.

The conference would be concluded today.

The Ethiopian Herald June 21/2019


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