Tuning nation’s heart beat to a nerve center

It cannot be gainsaid that having a foothold on a nerve center, via which much-needed or life-and-death activities take place, is the interest of the majority. Thus, it is safe to surmise such a bent seen portrayed by many is a knee-jerk reaction. It does not, therefore, come as a surprise that all from far and near display inclination to have a tenacious grasp of power over the nerve center.

Especially, the former will spare no effort to pull some wires. They will be locked in a red-hot rivalry which could coerce them to resort to both covert and overt ways of taking the upper hand. Out of their interest to have a foothold in the area, the dominant could outlay exorbitant prices to curry the favor of those having a direct link with the nerve center. This sounds plausible in so far as it is done by way of backscratching and not threatening others.

Exploiting a healthy atmosphere that results from a deal with genuine partners pays off. Such a relation must enjoy a green light or be strengthened as it could lend financial muscles to those aiming at a take off by a shoestring. It is also recommendable for common benefit on top of collective security and peace. Hence, those around the nerve center must ensure the tranquility of the center to maintain its strategic significance.

On the flip side, the dominant as well could hanker for ways to fish in troubled water. They could export revolutions with in and around the nerve center or instigate conflicts of every nature in the vicinity. Consequent to this, proxy wars could permeate the area. The nerve center will be a spawning place for cut throats and looters like pirates and terrorists. This places logjams on commuters and fleets.

No doubt, such disturbances that emanate from a nerve center could create a spillover effect which could ripple a long distance to create a global aftershock. Yet, to forestall being a pushover to the powerful, those that reside in and around the nerve center must always be on the toe. The aforementioned fact mirrors the tangible situation along the rivals -congested and sought-after Red Sea route found at the crossroad of three continents— Africa, Asia and Europe.

The interest to establish military bases in the red sea coast testified by historical facts is still there. A score of countries assume the route as their throat. As such, the number of countries who have kept their eyes peeled for it has snowballed. The fate of land-locked Ethiopia which does not have an outlet to the port could be no different for it heavily relies on the coast for its import and export trade. All the more so as the country that leans on export-oriented trade is envisaging a leap into industrialization.

As the forces vying to have the upper hand on the geopolitics of the red sea region could have a role in shaping Ethiopia’s future, it goes without saying, buying stakes, the nation must seek ways of having its grip too. It has to make deals with relevant bodies. Ethiopia should be a strategic partner as capitalized by its PM.

It has to step up its diplomatic chemistry in the Horn. Together with those who have a stake it must fight pirates and terrorists. Keeping peace and security is not a task that must be left to direct stakeholders and states in the region alone. This must be noted. To elbow through the cut-throat global trade competition Ethiopia needs to bring into play policies that warrant its strategic interest and security are maintained.

The Ethiopian Herald, Sunday Edition May 12/2019

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