Ethiopia and Africa mark the victory at the Battle of Adwa, in which Emperor Menelik II mobilized ill-equipped youth army of peasants, artesian, women and volunteers from all walks of life and ethnicity to repel Italian aggressors which received the blessings of the colonial powers in the Scramble for Africa in line with the resolutions of the Berlin Conference (1884- 1885.)
Ethiopia was treacherously tricked and forced into a war with Italian colonialists due to the fact that, Italy deliberately created a difference in meaning between the Amharic version and the Italian text of Article 17 of the Treaty of Wuchale which forces Ethiopia to conduct foreign relations with other countries only through the Italian Government.
The Italians underestimate the capacity of Emperor Menelik II and tried to conspire on the country with a deliberate creation of mistranslation between the Amharic version of the Treaty and the Italian one.
The Italian version read: His Majesty the King of Kings of Ethiopia can [1] uses the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy for all treatments that did business with other powers or governments.
Consequently, Emperor Menelik II called upon the peoples of Ethiopia to defend their country and the Ethiopians, about 100,000 peasant foot soldiers of all walks of life responded swiftly into battle in which the representatives of all nations and nationalities and peoples mostly youth participated.
Now an enemy that intends to destroy our homeland and change our religion has come crossing our God-given frontiers digging in like a mole. Now, with the help of God I will not allow him to have my country.
You, my countrymen, I have never knowingly hurt you, nor have you hurt me. Help me, those of you with zeal and will power; those who do not have the zeal, for the sake of your wives and your religion, help me with your prayers. (Gebre Selassie, Tarike zaman Zadagmawi Menilek Negusa Nagast Zeetyopya, 1966, p. 225.) The victory of Adwa immediately ignited global resistance against colonialism in black Africa and anti-colonial movements across the globe.
The spirit of PanAfricanism was born. The Battle of Adwa which took place on March 1, 1896 runs across the annals of both Ethiopian and African history, as the first victory of black Africa against a European colonial power.
The nostalgia of the war still haunted not only Ethiopians but also fellow Africans and the entire black population in the world.
The victory depicted the defiance and pride of Ethiopians, an attitude which was inherited by the national liberation movements in Africa in their struggle against colonialism.
The victory of Adwa illustrates the ingenuity of the leadership of Emperor Menelik, not only on the battle field but also on matters of foreign policy and diplomacy in which he was able to isolate Italy from seeking any diplomatic or political support.
In fact, the European powers of those days were the first to declare the victory at Adwa through their telegraphs and newspapers. Compared to other wars of resistance that the peoples of Ethiopia had to fight, the victory of Adwa was a unique victory in the sense that its results were not short lived but surprisingly permanent.
At a period in time when the colonial powers attempted to demonstrate their invincibility, the victory at Adwa showed that the same victory can be repeated by Africans.
This came true when a number of African countries gained their independence in the early 1960s. Besides, this was the first victory in the world against a powerful European power ever to be registered by black people.
As a nation tricked into signing the dubious Treaty of Wuchale, which led to the battle of Adwa over a century ago, Ethiopia should take lessons from that and be conscientious to shun similar blunder.
The different version of Article 17 finally changed the course of the agreement, which it favored the Italians. Ethiopians could not benefit out of that deal even that article directly or indirectly reduced Ethiopia to the level of protectorate. In wise and carefully crafted way Ethiopian diplomats were able to win the Battle of Adwa and so the Italians lost their diplomatic fight though they were not adamant to abandon Wuchale treaty.
The victory of Adwa is very symbolic and that is why it still resonates, however, still the nation has to learn the lessons transmit it to the new generation. Adwa turned Ethiopia into the symbol of redemption and freedom for black people.
Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Du Bois, Bob Marley, George Padmore and others drew inspiration from the African victory. The first Afro-Brazilian newspaper was named O Menelick, publishing pride in black identity and African connection with prominent women writers from 1915-1916. How did he western media report on the Battle of Adwa? The following is an excerpt from a report issued by New York Times on March 4, 1896 on the Battle of Adwa. Rome, March 3 – The present campaign against the Abyssinians threatens to become one of the most disastrous in which the Italians arms have ever taken part, and what the final outcome will be it would be hard to predict.
It was rumored today that, the latest defeat of the Italians by King Menelik had compelled Ministry to resign, owing to the popular disapproval of the Government’s policy, but tonight this report is denied.
Details received here today of the defeat on Sunday of the Italian Army show that the Italian losses were very heavy, they being placed by some at 3,000 killed. It is still impossible to ascertain the precise losses, but popular opinion credits the report that the number of killed is not overstated.
Thus far the reports make no mention of the number of wounded. Among the dead are Gen. Albertone, Commander of the Left Brigade, and Gen. Dabormida, Commander of the Right Brigade.
The news of this latest disaster has caused the greatest excitement throughout Italy, and the Opposition party is taking advantage of it to make violent attacks upon the Government’s policy in attempting to extend the sphere of Italian influence in Abyssinia.
The Pope was greatly disturbed by the news. Among the many reports current today was one to the effect that Gen. Baratieri had committed suicide, being unable to endure the humiliation of his defeat. Women played a prominent role in the Battle of Adwa and Empress Taitu’s remarkable role in the Battle was witnessed by Grazematch Yoseph who translated the Treaty of Wuchalle from Italian to Amharic.
He said “The Ethiopian heroine empress Taitu distinguished herself through her valour… She advanced with her artillery in front of her and the riflemen to the left and right… when the men in front were attacked by cannon fire she assembled her forces in a fortified position and ordered them to return the fire from a distance… To prevent the front line from being weakened she returned those bringing prisoners”. She also saw to it that those soldiers who had stayed in the rear would get to the front (Quoted in Fesehaye 1971, 25). Menilek’s victory over the Italians gave him significant credibility with the European powers, bolstered his mandate at home, and provided the Ethiopian kingdom with a period of peace in which it was able expand and flourish, in contrast to most of the rest of the African continent at that time, which was embroiled in colonial conflicts.
Various treaties concluded with Italy, France, and Great Britain in the years up to 1908 fixed the borders of Ethiopia with the neighboring territories ruled by the European powers.
The Battle of Adwa was a rocket booster or a launching pad for the inception of Pan Africanism.
This historic battle and the subsequent victory registered by irregular peasant army of Ethiopia resonated across the world as the first victory against a colonial power ever to be won by an African country.
It is to be noted that, the history of the Battle of Adwa has not been well documented. Although, a number of books and magazines were published on this historic victory of the black people, there are only very few works that depict the battle of Adwa in creative arts including painting, theoretical arts or in cinematography.
Few professionals like Professor Haile Gerima have come up with a film dedicated to the battle of Adwa helping to recreate the historical battle. Indeed the Battle of Adwa deserves to be adequately sung but unfortunately only a handful of local artists have produced.
The Addis Ababa City Administration has commissioned the construction of a modern museum dedicated to the Battle of Adwa. This is a promising step towards promoting research on the topic.
It is very difficult to conclude that, both in secondary and at the institutions of higher learning in the country have contributed their parts in educating the youth on the historical significance of the Battle of Adwa and on the history of the country at large. The miscalculation of the European powers in attempting to colonize the entire Africa was effectively swatted at the Battle of Adwa.
However, even today, some western countries are trying to regain what they have lost because of the independence of African countries by recruiting leaders who fit into their neocolonial ambitions or toppling those who do not agree with their strategies.
The Battle of Adwa has a greater inspiration value for all young Ethiopians and Africans. The determination and valor that has been exhibited by young Ethiopians at the Battle of Adwa needs to be replicated in other areas of social, economic and political activities in the present and future generation of Ethiopians.
Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald
The Ethiopian Herald 1 March 2022